Donald Trump is threatening to adversity on the part of the judiciary Committee in the U.S. house of representatives and the Senate: The judiciary Committee is taking the US President Donald Trump, due to possible obstruction of the justice and abuse of power to target. In the Senate, a possible majority suggests a vote against the US President, Donald Trump declared a National state of emergency on the border to Mexico

The judiciary Committee to call for documents of more than 60 individuals and organizations. The Chairman Jerrold Nadler told the broadcaster ABC on Sunday. “We are going to the abuse of power investigation, corruption, and obstruction of justice to initiate,” said the Democrat from the state of New York. “It is our duty to protect the right.” However, it is still too early to talk about a possible impeachment of thinking.

On the question of whether he think that the President had obstructed justice, replied Nadler in an Interview with a clear Yes. “This is very clear,” said Nadler. “In 1100, he called the Mueller investigation a witch hunt, he was trying to protect Michael Flynn, he announced James Comey to stop the Russia-investigation, as he himself has said to NBC News, and he intimidated witnesses in Public.” In addition, it was an abuse of power to grant his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the Top-Secret clearance.

“I am an innocent man”

The Committee to call for documents, among others, by the Ministry of justice, Trumps son Donald Trump Jr. and by the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, All of the Weis Selberg, said Nadler. On Monday, a full list will be presented.

The Ministry of justice, the office of the President and the Trump Organization did not respond initially to the request for opinion. Trump said via Twitter: “I am an innocent man who is being pursued by some very bad, contradictory, and corrupt people in a witch-hunt, which is illegal and never should have been allowed.”

Trumps a state of emergency Declaration

On the weekend, another Senator of Trumps Republicans signalled to the three other support for a Resolution adopted by the house of representatives a few days ago.

Thus, the Resolution could get in the Republican-dominated Senate, a majority, provided the Democrats-voted in favour. It is a further obstacle would remain, but also in this case.

Because even if the Senate passed the Resolution, could Trump the power of Veto – has announced he is already. And to override this Veto, would be in both Congress chambers by a two-thirds majority is necessary. Which is currently not in sight.

However, it would be for Trump in the external effect is already unfavorable, even if the Republican-vote-dominated Senate against his course, and he would be forced to Veto.

The newspaper, “Bowling Green Daily News” quoted the Republican senators Rand Paul of Kentucky on the weekend with the words, he could not vote for the President means to spend, have not been released to the Congress.

Trump had declared in mid-February a National emergency, without parliamentary approval, a wall on the border to Mexico to Finance. The Congress had not approved the required sum. With the help of the state of emergency Declaration Trump wants to raise the additional billion from other Sources. His action is legal but very controversial.

The Democrats had introduced a Resolution in the house of representatives to end the state of emergency. They argue, Trump heble, the separation of powers. At the vote there, more than a dozen Republican members supported the move by the Democrats. (nag/sda)

Created: 03.03.2019, 20:03 PM