“The future of the S-top names in Gothenburg is determined”

“Members will vote on Ann-Sofie Hermansson will be kicked out from his post”

“After personkonflikter, mediation efforts and a no-confidence vote – on Sunday determines the 238 representatives the future of Ann-Sofie ”the Couch” Hermansson, S-top names in Gothenburg.”

“Myself, she would like to continue.”

“– I Receive the trust of the members begin to work to heal the party again, ” says Hermansson.”

“(S)triden in Gothenburg is similar to nothing else. “

“the Conflict which raged in recent months, has now escalated to an agent at a extrakongress will have to determine if the Ann-Sofie Hermansson will be kicked out from the mission as a team leader for the social democrats in the city.”

“Both the district board and the S-group in the city council have called for her resignation, but she refused.”

“power Struggle, or a poor working environment?”

“How it will go on the Sunday dare, Ann-Sofie Hermansson’t predict.”

“– It is svårtippat, ” she says but insists that she gets a lot of support of people she meets, especially the ”grass roots”.”

“Hermanssons image of the conflict is that it mainly depends on a power struggle for control of policy records, but also a dissatisfaction with the line she embarked on after the election. Where the critics dislike that’s taken a step away from the previous cooperation with the V and the MP.”

“It is, however, a view which is not shared by her critics. “

“From distriktsstyrelsens hold, with the outgoing president ex-minister Anna Johansson in the lead, has instead said that it is about centralisation, poor working environment and the concealment of important information from the Hermanssons page. And that misstroendeförklaringen came after all the previous attempts to solve the problems had failed.”

“the Fuss about what to vote on.”

“the Conflict between the two parties has plummeted in the last and have only this week been about what kongressombuden to vote on.”

“the Board wanted to vote on the kandidatförsäkran that all politicians in Gothenburg has been writing and stating that a leave if you no longer have confidence. Understood: That this must also apply Hermansson.”

“last Thursday was forced, however, the change in the wording that the delegates should take a stand to, which the GP previously told you about. This after the protests from members who are behind Hermansson and who felt that the original text was too unclear and liable to confuse the delegates.”

“After protests it has been added to a formulation, which means that you also should decide if the captain should be dismissed from his mission. “

“Ann-Sofie Hermansson less if she loses on Sunday. But she makes no secret of the fact that she would like to continue. “

“We have started a journey and I would like to continue it,” she says.”

“If she gets the delegates’ support counts, she is working on. She believes that it is possible to heal the wounds between partikamraterna and find back to a partnership of the city’s best. “

“Viktoria Tryggvadottir, kommunikationsombudsman in the district, is skeptical. “

“– I personally find it difficult to see how it should go to lead a kommunfullmäktigegrupp and a kommunstyrelsegrupp who said that they do not have confidence in her and a distriktsstyrelse who have said they do not trust her. I think it will be isolated and difficult to operate in this way, but she believes that it goes so we can’t do more, ” she says. n”

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“(S)triden in Gothenburg – background”

“• Ann-Sofie Hermansson, team leader and commissioner for the opposition (S) in the municipality, no longer has the confidence of either his party distriktsstyrelse or fullmäktigegrupp – but refuses to resign. Her critics have, inter alia, poor leadership and problems of working together as an explanation.”

“• at the same time has distriktsstyrelsens chairman, ex-minister, Anna Johansson, announced her resignation at the annual congress in april, after the conflict surrounding Hermansson painted up as a maktstrid on the records of the municipality. Something that Johansson denies.”

“• In the autumn, the conflict has been very clear between the two sides. Councillor has defected in protest against the Hermanssons leadership and a mediator has been called in from S central, partikassören Roger Berzell, but no long-term solution has been reached. “

“• Thus it is now becoming members in Gothenburg, sweden, by 238 elected representatives, to decide whether the captain should be dismissed, thus, is dismissed. You should also take a position on the S kandidatförsäkran, all of the party’s politicians in Gothenburg received the sign, shall apply to all, and where it undertakes to provide the if we have lost the trust of others. “