globally, the measles, according to the world health organisation one of the biggest killers of children under five years of age. The recommendations from the experts and the authorities are also aware:

Get vaccinated your children.

the Family Crab Hou from the north Zealand are some of them who suffer from the consequences that not everyone vaccinating their children against measles. Their son at a year and a half to have a congenital immune deficiency, which makes that he can not tolerate the MMR vaccine. Thus he becomes an easy victim for the and other infectious diseases.

– Right now we have chosen to isolate ourselves at home. We had started to take Noah Elijah a little out in the less public space after the rush hour, because his numbers are rising, and it is going the right way. After the announcement mæslingeudbruddet, we dare not take any chances, as we feel that we live too close to one of the areas where is it found infection.

when Noah Elijah was eight days old, he was past the hospital the first time. After the visit initiated a longer process to find out what he failed. Only then Noah Elijah was seven months, came the final answer, and the family was told that their son had a immundeffekt. If it ever gets better, is uncertain. Every third month will be Noah Elias’ numbers checked, and the latest reply showed, that the numbers are fortunately increased. The doctors have a hope that maybe he will be able to grow from it. Photo: Private

Five danes have since the winter been infected with measles, and therefore, the Statens Serum Institut, that there is talk about a smaller outbreak of mæslingesmitte in Denmark.

Community – 25. feb. 2019 – at. 17:25 Statens Serum Institute confirms: Talk about the national outbreak

For that we can avoid mæslingesmitte in Denmark, 95 percent of the population, according to the Statens Serum Institut to be vaccinated. In recent years, this number has only been at about 90 percent. It will say, then, that every tenth dane are not vaccinated.

at the Bottom of his Facebook postings share Mitzi Crab Hou a borgerforslag that’s all about, that it should be a requirement for children in public institutions to be vaccinated.

– It is not a proposal I have made. It was sent to me by someone I did not know, after she had seen my postings on Facebook. I support it, however, 100 percent.

– Try to imagine the parents, which might be due to a cancer or a weak immune system. They will confidently be able to pick up their children in the institution, knowing that all are vaccinated. It also applies to the families who need to have their children cared for before they are 15 months and not vaccinated against MMR yet.

Community – 1. mar. 2019 – at. 02:03 Alarm after the great eruption: – It costs lives

– The parents who still will not vaccinate their children, have the opportunity to choose private institutions, and on the way there is no one who is under duress, stresses, Mitzi, however, think it is really too bad, if the parents don’t have any reason to, but still do, ” says Mitzi Crab Hou to Ekstra Bladet.

What is a vaccine?

Vaccines use dead or weakened virus to train the immune system to spur an immune response, without being really sick. It gives the immune system time to build up the right antibodies and immunity, so the disease off, the day the disease really comes.

Typical side effects of to get “live” vaccines are fever and mild symptoms similar to the infection, you are protected against. The reaction starting from some days after you have been vaccinated, and up to several weeks after, depending on the vaccine. Feberkramper can be triggered especially in small children.
A “killed” vaccine usually requires more doses than a “live” vaccine. Typical side effects of “killed” vaccines are redness and swelling at the vaccinationsstedet and occasionally fever. The reaction begins a few hours after you have been vaccinated, and lasts 1-2 hours.

The first vaccine was discovered in 1798 by the briton Edward Jenner, who noted that the malkepiger, as had been the less dangerous disease k-cups are not getting the deadly disease smallpox; a disease that kills 25-30 percent of those infected.

Experts and studies calls on the the to vaccinate, but I also think that many times it is about oversight. The MMR vaccine should both be given at 15 months and at four years, and it is not everyone who remembers the last vaccine. Therefore borgerforslaget as fine as it will automatically catch those who forget it.

Mitzi Crab Hou is in the day homemakers. She had to drop out of his studio to be at home with her son. Noah Elias is not strong enough to get institution, but the family hope that the numbers continue to rise, so their boy can one day have all of his vaccines and come out and be totally ordinary part of society. Photo: Private

‘Our son can’t be vaccinated. He has an immune deficiency, which makes that he is not allowed to get the MMR vaccination. His immune system is not strong enough. Vaccinating YOU are not YOUR child, can infect him when we pass each other on the street, since the disease is spread droplet infection. It can in the worst case a risk that cost him his life.’

How to wrote Mitzi Crab Hou on his Facebook. Many thousands have commented on, and most of the comments have, thankfully, been positive but, unfortunately, there also has to be someone in the totally opposite ballgame.

Community – 20. feb. 2019 – at. 05:41 measles vaccine to babies come too late

The little family had to cancel christmas eve at the last moment, when there was illness in the immediate family. Therefore they were at home in their own living room, which luckily ended up being a really nice evening. But it is however just an example of how the family all the time to have everyday life and events to go up with a minimum of two able-bodied days, in people they are seen with. Photo: private

– There are really any, which is very personal, and it has hit us harder than we ever thought it would, ” says Mitzi, but must take a break, when it suddenly touches her too much to talk.

– Especially when it begins to act on Noah, Elias and his right to exist, she concludes.

Since Tuesday morning, the ad has been shared more than 10,000 times, and many media outlets have contacted the family. The short time in the limelight has already had big consequences for the small family.

– We have applied for a home address for safety’s sake, because it has just been so personally. We have never really shared our son how to social media, and it is not something we have thought that we want to do. Now where it is so come this wide, we just also, that it is an important message.

And that is precisely the message of the borgerforslaget is something that Mitzi will continue to support.

– I know that there are always two sides of a case, and those which are faced with the stories of vaccinebivirkninger, have just as much right to stand as us. But I really think that if people choose not to vaccinate due to some of the rumors on the web, and not because their children for one reason or another can’t tolerate it – just like Noah and Elijah, so there should at least be a place where we who want safe and secure on vaccination, can deliver and download safely.

Myths about measles

In 1998, the british researcher Andrew Wakefield an article in the prestigious scientific journal ‘Lancet’, in which he showed a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. His research has since been withdrawn because it was forged and fabricated. In 2010, Andrew Wakefield even convicted of malpractice, lost his lægeautorisation, and the Lancet withdrew the article back.

Still creates Wakefields research is still today a concern that mæslinge-the vaccine would increase the risk of later developing autism.

To the MMR vaccine supposed to contain mercury is also a myth, which repeatedly has been ruled out.

the Myth has arisen because one has used it mikrobedræbende molecule ’thiomersal’, which contains ethylkviksølv. However, it was removed globally from vaccines in the 1990s and in Denmark in 1992. It is, therefore, not in the MMR vaccine.

A third myth is that a disease such as measles makes the immune system stronger – and that by giving the vaccine don’t let the immune system develop naturally.

the MMR vaccine is live, attenuated cells, which is injected into the body. The body’s immune system is already in the majority, when the cells come in, and therefore will not be sick by the vaccine. Research has shown that the immune in contrast even stronger by vaccination.

2018, young people had the dutchmen after the draw either BCG-vaccine against tuberculosis or salt water without effect.

Four weeks after, all the participants challenged with the yellow fever virus, which have nothing to do with tuberculosis to do.

the Study revealed that vaccinated some weeks later had significantly less virus from the yellow fever in the blood, than the control group who received saline.

Sources:,, Statens Serum Institut

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