“About a month, the William, which is actually called something else, move again. Right now, he lives with two other people that he did not know before.”

” It’s not okay, but better than how I lived before. The rent is 4000 sek a month, it is cheaper than the 5 000-6 000 I had to pay to stay in shared apartments, ” he says.”

“William, that is just over 30 years, came alone as a refugee to Sweden from Syria for three and a half years ago. He risked being conscripted as a soldier in the war, but decided to flee. His family is still in Damascus, and he knows that he will not get to meet them until at the earliest, when the war is over.”

“Now he lives in Sweden, speaks Swedish, came into the society and started to work. He has just scored a new job as an economist, he was educated in Syria. But it is the housing that makes life here difficult for him.”

“– You think about home all the time. Instead, for example, to study or learn the language. It is a catastrophe. The politicians may be able to do something about it, but they would not.”

“He says that he and the others in the apartment rent in the third hand. Probably know, neither the allmännyttige the landlord or the landlord if the apartment is rented as so-called madrassboende, where several live together and rent of andrahandshyresgästen.”

“– most people in my situation are recent immigrants and have an introduction plan, and most of them are young men. Where I live now, there lived a Swedish guy for a while, but he moved.”

“He may not, however, be registered in the apartment. Therefore, the rent he is also a registered place of residence of an individual in the Stockholm region and sek 500 a month. Someone receives his mail. If the person renting out that address to the more persons he does not know.”

“– You must have an address. I may retrieve my mail now and then. If something seems important shoot he and sends the image of the letters to me.”

“Paid for sublease”

“He dreams of a home of their own.”

“– First when I came to Sweden I lived in a asylboende in a few months, but I want to integrate into society. I got hold of an apartment in other hand, but paid 10 000 sek for the andrahandskontraktet. As a new arrival I didn’t know how it works in Sweden.”

“the Apartment was in a small town in northern Sweden – was the one who rented out in the other hand get paid for the contract itself.”

” The rent was okay, it only cost 4 to 500 dollars a month. But there is a need for more information about how the rental market works.”

“He says that it is Facebook that apply to newcomers who were looking for housing. There are groups where places in the apartment advertised. Maybe it would be good if information about the hyresmarknadens rules were also on Facebook, thinking he.”

“After several places in northern Sweden, and periods completely without a home, he came in the autumn of 2017 to Stockholm to work. When was the housing really hard. He has moved around, and lived crowded into small apartments together with a lot of strange people.”

” It has been a horrible experience sometimes. In one place they were up all night, it was sound all the time and everyone smoked indoors, ” says William.”