A difference Adrian Winter, of the most his team-mates. The FC Zurich striker had in the whole game, at least a good scene. It was in the 85. Minute when he profited from a slip-up Mijatovics and. With the first shot of Winter remained in Kriens-defender Fanger hang. With the second, but he hit into the net. 2:1.

averted the shame. At least the. But could be the winners of the Cup last season also, so that no one. President Ancillo Canepa still looked as if he had just bitten into a lemon. Ludovic Magnin said later: “We have played 15 minutes. Then, I saw from my team, no soccer more.”

It was clear that they were in their current situation, under pressure, had declared the FCZ coach before the Match. His Team is not in the League to rank 4, that sounds bad. However, the FCZ has since 2. December from nine Games, only one can win. As the opponent of the Challenge Cup came just at the right time, in order to, firstly, the balance burnish something. And secondly, the series in the Cup to expand. Or not?

“We have made so many mistakes, as I have seen in my ten years as a coach, including Junior time never”Ludovic Magnin

Well, Yes. The FCZ has launched quite befitting. He had two options by Kololli in the first 120 seconds. He was also superior to it. He was also lucky, because he survived a push from a defender Bangura against Kriens striker Chihadeh without Penalty. And after a quarter of an hour he led 1:0. Domgjoni struck the Ball wonderfully in-depth, Khelifi ended with a Lob over Goalie Osigwe.

The nice and out-played the leadership of the FCZ in the 16. Minute by Khelifi. (Video: SRF)

The FCZ as weak as never

And then? Then the FCZ was not yet dominant. But practically by the Minute and worse until it was just before the break for him is almost embarrassing and the audience with Whistles responded. Magnin commented later: “We have made so many mistakes, as I have it in my ten years as a coach, including Junior time never seen before.”

Kriens was 1:1 for the first Time close to, as Saleh Chihadeh köpfelte and FCZ goalkeeper Vanins at the bar drew.

The miraculous Parada by FCZ goalkeeper Vanins in the 27. Minute. (Video: SRF)

It was amazing how easy was to earn lower-division opponents are always opportunities. Often a cross or a Pass was sufficient in depth to the Zurich penalty area anxiety trigger. FCZ President Ancillo Canepa tigerte always nervous around the game Bank, in between, he whispered to coach Ludovic Magnin into the ear. And on the lawn of the largest, it was always part of Switzerland, who grew up Palestinian Chihadeh, came to opportunities.

The 24-Year-old forced Vanins to a further Parade (33.). He met in the 44. Minute for a long-deserved compensation for the Kriens. And he could loss a few seconds before the break, once again all alone in the towers, but met only the post.

The deserved compensation for Kriens by Chihadeh in the 44. Minute. (Video: SRF)

Kriens missed leadership

Magnin brought with Hekuran Kryeziu and Ceesay for the second half fresh forces. But the game went on. The FCZ made a mess of it with poor Play and position errors in the series. And Kriens was much better. Chihadeh tested Vanins, Mijatovic tried with case and Wiget with an overhead kick. Wiget was also in the 65. Minute with a header but the ball is completely free of the goal, but missed. It the 2 would have to be:1 or even 3:1 for the Kriens.

The FCZ had, however, hardly a good scene in the second half, apart from Ceesays post shot. And winter goal, which makes the Chance of the fourth Cup race victory since 2014 life. In the semi-final of the FCZ is located at the end of April in Basel. What a great reward for this small service. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 28.02.2019, 23:39 PM