For Martin Burger, it is actually Routine. Three times in the year, the President of the Zurich upper court, is a member of the SVP, inconspicuous rolls of paper, the mean of the recipients a lot of compliments: they are lawyers and lawyers. To the diploma to celebrate Burger always explained the duties of the profession. Carefully and conscientiously all the newbies should work, as required by the attorney act.

But the question now is whether Martin Burger acted at the graduation ceremony last November, self – carefully and conscientiously- with the music selection and his comments.

“I was thinking whether I should get up and go.”Lawyer

Musically accompanied a pianist and a singer for the Ceremony. They played a piece of Mozart from the 18th century. Century. In it women are called “sugar cookies”, and fathers are warned that they should lock up their young girl better, because men naschten. The irritated a lawyer, received on this day, your diploma, as the magazine “plea” writes.

A lawyer said on request: “I wondered whether I should get up and go.” The Democratic lawyers Zurich, a left-wing Association, criticizing the President of the Supreme court. In a letter to Martin Burger, you write that the song selection at the graduation ceremony in November is a problem for men and women image transport.

The art is not understood

The lawyers Association asks Burger in writing, as he “wanted to prevent such misconduct” in the future. “It is no misconduct, a piece of perform Mozart,” says the addressee. The letter got him irritated. The Opera fragment “men always seek to snacking” would have selected the emerging artists themselves. It should be appreciated in the then historical context.

support Burger from music, scientists Laurenz Lütteken of the University of Zurich. He finds it a problem, this is a song to perform. “It would be bad if we can only of art to us, we find it correctly,” says Lütteken. “Otherwise, you are likely to show in operas, no murders.” In the case of Mozart’s piece, it is a matter of aesthetic pleasure. Who refer to the Text, did not understand the art.

Different views

Otherwise, the newly qualified lawyers to see. It is unnecessary to select a sexist pieces of music for a graduation ceremony. “Especially as the President of the Supreme court commented on the music, I found tasteless,” says a Participant of the Celebration. As a citizen of Mozart’s piece men snacking announced, he said: “– Yes, that’s a fact!” Such comments were sexist and disrespectful.

Martin Burger itself does not exclude these statements. In his manuscript something similar. “I meant it to be ambiguous. Snacking can mean flirting,” says Burger. And to say that men like to flirt and Sweet food, for him, in the framework of what is Allowed. “In an informal act, you may leave a remark that you would not make otherwise.” Since it need not always be profound thoughts for everything that is said.

This opinion is also a lawyer who was also a University graduate, and himself as a feminist. The criticism of their fellow shoot over the target and pointed to be resourceful. If someone wanted to denounce the sexism in the lawyer industry, then the wage inequality. “It was a beautiful Celebration!”


Meanwhile, meant more lawyers criticize another comment Burgers – to “Song to the Moon” by Antonín Dvo?ák. The song is from the Opera “Rusalka”. A marine falls in love with a virgin in a Prince. To get from water to Land, it closes with a witch made a Pact and lose your voice.

Martin’s Burger was supposed to have said, according to the lawyers: “Maybe the Prince was in love with the mermaid, because she was mute.” This is completely wrong. Conversely, you would make such a joke never.

Burger says it, he can add due to the song descriptions sometimes situationally something to the Text of the manuscript. His statements were not at all maliciously, but jokingly. He had received a lot of positive feedback on the graduation ceremony – and a lot of lack of understanding for the criticism.

“is The increasing emotional sensitivity, a negative development,” says Martin Burger. At future graduation parties, he would again find similar songs play. And also to say something Spontaneous.


Created: 28.02.2019, 21:55 PM