From 1. July should probably pull significantly more money of the wallet, if you want to pick an au pair to Denmark.

Thursday is expected a majority without on VLAK-the government to pass a bill that raises the cost for getting a residence permit for an au pair from the current 5380 controllers are supported crowns for a higher amount.

the Amount to cover the full fees to the Danish courses for au pairs.

How high the fee will be is not yet clarified before the second reading of the bill on Tuesday in the Folketingssalen.

In the bill from the Danish people’s Party proposed the amount to be about 11,000 crowns, but both the Danish people’s Party and Enhedslisten has since submitted amendments, both of which will make the scheme more expensive.

the Social democrats and SF have so far notified, to the hills of the draft law with the amendments, as the Danish people’s Party has come up with.

the Fee for getting a residence permit for an au pair is likely to lie between 14.100 crowns and 17.300 crowns, shows calculations from the Aliens affairs and Integration.

In response several organizations have been skeptical of the bill to raise the amount of the user fees of the Danish language.

Both the FOA and The principal organization believes, instead, that ought to raise pocket money for the au pair-the characters. They represent currently 4250 dollars per month.

– So it will be commensurate with the work, as we can see that an au pair does.

– At the moment is lommepengebeløbet at a level that is not commensurate with the actual work, as we know, there will be done, says Ejner K. Holst, vice-president of The main organisation.

Pia Heidi Nielsen, who is chairman of the FOA’s diet – and service sector, says that ‘we are in the process of looking at what our recommendations for pocket money for the au pair must be’.

FOA fears that a higher fee will make it more difficult for au pairs to find a new host family, if it becomes necessary to change the family.

– Because you have to focus on the economy and money, not on the au pair, says Pia Heidi Nielsen.

the Same concerns have beskæftigelsesordfører Finn Sørensen from the Device list. The party has therefore, in its amendment that the fee need not be paid again if an au pair feels forced to change host family.

– It is fair that the host families pay the expected full cost to the au pairs lessons in Danish. But it must not be in a way so that it weakens the au pairs position of the host family.

– That, I fear, is going to happen, if the bill gets adopted, as it is now, says Finn Sørensen.

the Device list so that any au pair scheme is completely abolished, something that the Danish people’s Party and SF the past also has tried to gather the majority of.

The current au pair scheme is currently being evaluated by the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration. The evaluation is expected to be finished by mid-april.