Henrik Sass Larsen should not sit in a tv studio, when there were meetings of the public accounts committee.

It says Henrik Thorup, who is chairman of the public accounts committee, to Radio24/7. The program will be sent in the airwaves on Friday morning.

– I am not a supporter of the way to prioritise. I do not believe that it is right, of course not, says he to the radio channel.

The deal’s announcement comes after an Extra Magazine at the weekend could reveal that Henrik Sass Larsen was absent from a mission, and a regular meeting of the public accounts committee in place to make tv with Søren Pind.

Henrik Sass Larsen, announced at the weekend in a great interview, that he in the autumn was plagued by a depression. Tv-the program with Soren Pind, has he explained, was the only thing he had energy for.

nevertheless criticizes Henrik Thorup his priorities.

Henrik Thorup is far from agree with Henrik Sass’ prioritisation of his time. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Immediately he must of course judge for yourself what he believes is more important than another. But I nevertheless believe that there must be a difference between sitting in a studio with local jurisdictions and exchange views, or to dispute his job as statsrevisor, he says to Radio24syv.

– What do you think about it, ask the radio’s political editor, Brian Weichardt.

– I am not a supporter of the way to prioritise. I do not believe that it is right, of course not. I have even been statsrevisor in 20 years, and the colleagues I’ve had – even from his own party – have given priority to it all the way through.

– Divides the Sass out from the others you have worked with in all these years, as regards the participation and commitment?

– Yes. I think that everyone is aware of. It may be the cause of his depression, I don’t know, but if we take the period when he has been here, so different he.

the Protagonists of this autumn’s most talked-about programme on TV2 News. Photo: TV2

coming less and be less engaged?

– Yes. I must say here. He has really assessed that it was more important to sit with the local jurisdictions than to be with the public accounts committee, says Henrik Thorup.

Henrik Sass Larsen does not have any comments, informs The press office, for Radio24/7.