Under pressure from rebellious members of the government, the British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday in London for the first time, a shift of the Brexit-date. The house of Commons within 14 days of the leaving the EU Treaty should not agree to that, will you suggest “a brief, time-limited extension of the withdrawal period” to the end of June, said May in the British house of Commons. On the eve of the Labour Opposition had made Jeremy Corbyn, a change of course: to enforce the government “a harmful Tory-Brexit”, is talking about Labour now, a second Referendum the word.

How likely is the shift?

A shift of the EU exit of the UK, the for the 29. March is quite likely. Even if Theresa May everything go according to Plan and should agree to house in March, to exit the EU agreement, could be the time is short. Numerous accompanying laws to the Brexit still need to be in the house of Commons adopted. Even if the Parliament should work at a record pace, is the deadline to 29. To create March. For this case, EU diplomats have signaled that a shift of a few week with the EU, is relatively easy to make.

Is the duration of an extension of the period of significance?

In any case. An extension of the deadline by a few weeks or two or three months would be a Signal that the United Kingdom seeks a separation from the EU. A longer period of time of one year or even nearly two years, as it is brought from some of the EU diplomats to the game, could pave one’s whereabouts in the United Kingdom in the EU on the path. Then time would be possibly enough to organize a second Referendum.

Jan made on Tuesday in the lower house, that they would continue on a separation of the EU to 29. March in a regulated procedure is working. Actually, she wanted no extension of the deadline, said the Prime Minister. At the same time you left open a back door: If you like in the last decisive vote in January should be received in the coming month, once again no majority for the discharge of the contract, want to let the members vote on whether the UK should simply leave without a Deal the EU. A very large risk not May; the Prime Minister knows that there is a bipartisan majority in the lower house against a unregulated Brexit. So, if as expected a majority against a No-Deal scenario, will ask the head of government finally, in Parliament, to consent to a short extension of the Brexit period.

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How long this period of time from the point of view Mays should last, made the head of government on Tuesday. An extension of the deadline until the end of June would ensure that Britain would not take part in the European elections, she explained. However, this view is not shared by the Scientific service of the German Bundestag. In an analysis of the service says that the UK must necessarily hold the European elections, if the country should still be the date of the election at the end of may a member of the EU.

Why is May the extension of the deadline?

With the extension of the deadline, May the parliamentarians prior to the election, either – with some of the accessories provided – EU-Deal-to accept or to continue the suspended game with an uncertain outcome. So May is now in a re-Volte of the hard-liners in his own party, the backbenchers Jacob Rees-Mogg. May know that the willingness to relent in the Brexiteers grows more so the closer to the exit-day on 29. March moves. May speculated, possibly, for the case of a failure in the next crucial Brexit vote, at the next EU summit on 21. 22. March public to achieve effective further concessions by the European Union in the dispute over the withdrawal of the contract. A corresponding peaks-staging could serve May to the Parliament, final approval to the EU Deal.

The head of government previously reported “positive” talks in Brussels on the sidelines of the summit of EU and Arab League in Sharm el-Sheikh. Important for May but is expected to be publicly outspoken threat of a number of Ministers and secretaries of state have been, by the previous wait-and-see policy is no longer to participate.

Would agree with the EU an extension of the deadline?

Then it looks. Even for the case that the modalities of the divorce before the end of March is still not apparent, to the 27 remaining EU countries, a No-Deal – Brexit avoid. Because an unregulated Brexit would have disastrous consequences for the economy on both sides. EU-great-grandson, Donald Tusk, has already stated that any delay would be a “sensible decision”.

How it goes now in the British house of Commons?

A cause for Rebellion could be on Wednesday the vote on a draft law to the Ex-Minister, Yvette Cooper (Labour). Also, this request will oblige the government to extend the exit period to the end of the year, if not to 13. March the in the house the exit contract. Thus, the Chaos would be excluded, Leaving without an exit agreement.

The appointment has been made May now; with your own dash, it retains the ability to act of the government. However, the adoption of the Cooper-law “far-reaching consequences for the governability of the country would have” warned the Prime Minister. So far, the legislative initiative lies in all important matters only with the government.

Corbyn kanzelte Mays from the approach as “bizarre and reckless”; instead of a decision, once again, to delay, to apply for the Prime Minister, now an extension of the withdrawal period. The 69-Year-old referred to discussions he had last week with those responsible in Brussels: There Corbyn and his Brexit Team labour’s plans for remaining in a customs Union with the EU and close links were presented to the internal market. “These proposals are workable and could be implemented,” the Labour leader his impression from the talks. However, resist Brussels is so far all attempts to the Prime Minister, to limit the so-called catch-all solution (Backstop) for Northern Ireland in time. This desire of the conservative hardliners and the North of Ireland, Protestant party the DUP. The Backstop provides that the UK remains so long in the customs Union with the EU, until another solution is found, moreover, should apply in Northern Ireland, some of the internal market rules. Critics fear that this clause could bind the UK permanently to the European Union.

How to labour’s strategy going forward?

The Plan for a soft Brexit wants to bring Labour on Wednesday in the lower house for a vote, and the Cooper-law support. A majority should refuse both, will you favour to avoid the “Tory-Brexit”, a second Referendum. Then the British between Mays would exit the contract, and the whereabouts of the Brussels Club to decide, reaffirmed Brexit speaker Keir Starmer in media interviews. Apparently, there are behind-the-Scenes dispute between the EU-friends Starmer and the foreign policy spokesperson Emily Thornberry, as well as Financial Secretary John McDonnell on the one hand, and the EU-opponents around the skeptical Chairman, including several Ex-Communists, on the other hand. For Labour only elected representatives could speak”,” said Starmer.

The party left Corbyn stands in his own shadow Cabinet under pressure after last week, nine members had left the group. In addition to Corbyns personality and the semi-anti-Semitism-armed called the Breakaway labour’s EU policy as the main reason. Eight representatives of the people have found themselves with three Tory rebels to the group of independent members (TIG) together.

What would happen in new elections?

A YouGov poll from the weekend that would be TIG to achieve new elections amazing 18 percent, behind the Conservatives (36), and Labour (23), but far ahead of the EU-friendly liberal Democrats (six). In other surveys, in which TIG is not as the option was called, the Labour Opposition by about ten points behind the governing party.

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Britain to leave the EU Labour calls for second Brexit Referendum

Whether the Labour party will put forward their possible commitment to another Referendum vote, is not identified. In the case of a repetition of the question by June of 2016, approximately 55 percent of the British people for the EU would support month-to-month whereabouts. The question of whether a second referendum would be a good idea, answered, however, only a third of Yes to, explains Professor Matthew Goodwin of the University of Kent.