A full-time GC-Junior trainer was by the Grasshoppers in December, effective immediately. He had parents give money to their children to be accommodated in the Junior top-level football.

In addition to separated GC from the four other trainers, however, no permanent employees, but volunteer Instructors in the children’s football area with usually only a small Expense allowance.

“Need to remain independent”

The Grasshoppers also had the four children’s football coaches to doubt their integrity. They organized in addition to her work at the Grasshoppers private training – in some cases, GC-juniors took part in these private training sessions for a fee. Or you had a bad close to game advisors.

Zurich will not want to tolerate such entanglements. GC-young-in-chief Roman Hangarter says: “We must remain independent of parents and in-game advisors.” (ukä.)

Created: 26.02.2019, 18:50 PM