The Swiss hotel industry has continued in the past year, their flight from the previous year. The hotel stays climbed 2018 3.8 per cent to 38.8 million. Also in December, it fell by 3.6 percent to 2.73 million upwards. In 2018, the Swiss hotel industry recorded a record-breaking year, in which she could become the first to break the mark of 38 million overnight Stays.

The current recovery, according to Switzerland tourism, however, is a first step only on the way back to the years of strong performance. In the Swiss mountain area, 43 percent of hotel stays from Europe, were lacking in comparison to 2008, the industry Association said on Tuesday on the occasion of its annual media conference. In recent years, the Swiss tourism had suffered in particular from the strong Swiss franc, the holiday in this country, for Europeans more expensive.

in 2017, however, had already a brilliant recovery in the year, the overnight stays were approaching for the first time in the record years of 1990 and 2008. The Alpine space but is not yet “over the hill”. In the meantime, has changed the mix of guests, and thus the controlled destinations within Switzerland. Tourism regions such as Graubünden, Tessin and Wallis had to leave in the last ten years springs, while Zurich and Geneva were able to grow.

Good prospects for 2019

the origin of the guests the United States are now the second-most important foreign market for the Swiss tourism to Germany ascended. Alone in 2018, the Americans made well over 2 million overnight Stays in Switzerland – a Plus compared to the previous year of 10 percent. But also Asian guests flock increasingly to Switzerland.

From Europe, more holiday guests are coming as well: Particularly Germany and the UK had significantly grown, wrote to Switzerland tourism. For 2019, the industry Association, is optimistic. He expected that the positive development from Europe continues. In addition, the powerhouses of India, China, USA and Australia will draw in 2019.

Good prospects were reported by the industry members, we are already for the upcoming winter holidays. Over the winter there had been conditions. And now I have to go in the vacations, by more than 4 percent uphill. Switzerland tourism emphasises, however, there has to be massive “Marketing efforts are more” necessary. The industry Association wants more money from the Federal government. The Federal Council has proposed to the Parliament to support Switzerland tourism during the next legislative session a year and 55 million Swiss francs. The industry wants to convince the Parliament, this amount to 60 million increase. The Federal government controls approximately 56 per cent of the Union budget.

hotel hope to see slight price increases

The Swiss Hoteliers want to take advantage of the current trend in tourism to increase the prices slightly. “You want to invest – in infrastructure, in the Hotel and good wages, to address the shortage of skilled workers,” said Hotellerie Suisse Chairman Andreas Züllig at the annual media conference of Switzerland tourism on Tuesday.

Prior to the flight of the tourism, but suffered severe declines from Europe. “We were so glad when we were able to hold the prices,” said Züllig. It was understandable that some people would have then lowered the prices, but still guests to attract.

the mountain regions suffered large losses. This is influenced not only by the weather and by the exchange rate, but also by the behavior of said Züllig. The Trend to short-term bookings and short stays – the average length of stay had decreased. (Dec/sda)

Created: 26.02.2019, 10:44 PM