the GISKE-VIDEO: This is the much-discussed see also the video clip in the course of a short time has turned the life of former Ap deputy chair Trond Giske on the head. Reporter: Madeleine Liereng. Video: André Børke / Dagbladet Show more

Trond Giske was in a few days on the way back to the heavy offices of the county Party. A just over a year after he was stripped of nestledervervet and space of the central executive committee because of the metoo-the alerts.

As is well known, ended the comeback in the ditch after a six seconds long video from the Volcano Bar in Oslo, where Giske danced with a young woman, was featured in VG. Instead, it is an mp Eva Kristin Hansen who is set to place in the board of directors and the executive committee of the county Ap.

But no Dagbladet has talked with the valgforskere and experts believe Giske go quietly into history as a private member of parliament.

– There is no reason to believe that Trond Giske will let this be the end of his political career. It is set to a power struggle that will be a nuisance for the Labour party in a long time to come. Giske is probably the most experienced active politician we have in Norway, it is too early to write off him, ” says valgforsker Espen Ingvar Leirset at the North University to the Newspaper.

GISKE: Trond Giske spoke out on the evening News Friday night. Video: With permission from NRK Show more Støre surprised

Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre was clearly last week that he agreed that the trust was broken from giske’s side when he went on the town and was photographed dancing at two in the morning.

– It is an expression of poor judgment. In light of the prequel, it is enough that the necessary trust is not there to get an important election, ” said Støre.

And got the answer from Giske, as in questions from the TV 2 if he has a trust Store which is Ap-manager, answered the following:

He is the leader of the Labour party and is elected by the congress. We have the leader we have to, we have a new.

Valgforsker Leirset think the Store may have been too emotional in the aftermath of the famous video – and forregnet.

– I was surprised when the Store went so hard after Giske-video. The video was uelegant, but is a non-issue in itself. It is completely overstated that the management of the Labour party is am full Giske issues. The question is whether Støre went emotional out and about Giske manage to build up a resistance that Støre went too far, ” says Leirset to the Newspaper.

– POOR JUDGMENT: the nomination Committee of the county Party have today discussed bekymringsmeldingen that this week was sent to partiledelsen, linked to the video by Trond Giske and a young woman who dances. Jonas Gahr Støre agrees in the outcome. Reporter: Madeleine Liereng. Video: André Børke / Dagbladet Show more Thawing isfront

In a comment to the Newspaper Monday tones Giske down the conflict with Støre. He admits that it was a “cool warm” with him before the weekend.

In connection with the vg’s erroneous postings went a bullet hot from several quarters on the issue Of trust. I think it is wise that we put the ball dead and move on. Jonas and I have worked confidently together through 10 years in the government, of the central executive committee and in stortingsgruppa. I am confident that we are going to continue with it on the team that will win the election this fall, ” says Giske.

The war Party will be in the future, the battle for Ap-mayors across the country as a counterweight to the Right/conservative party-the government, adding Giske.

– the stage was set for war

Adresseavisens political editor Tone Sofie Aglen said to NTB yesterday that she believes Giske has remained in the skin and been loyal to the Store – until now.

It has long been little trust and respect between Støre and Giske. My perception has been that Giske has remained in the skin and been loyal enough. Now it seems as if all bridges are burned, ” says Aglen.

And continued:

I’m excited about, is whether Giske sees that he has nothing more to lose, and that he will play a opposisjonsrolle internally.

editor-in-chief John Arne Moen in Trønder-Newspaper believe not only the bridges are burned.

“the Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre has finally gotten Trond Giske at a distance. He has a modicum of strategic ability, see he that it could mean the beginning of the end for his time as party leader,” writes Moen in today’s leader in the Trønder-Newspaper (requires login).

And warns the Store that it trønderen Giske is now ready for battle.

“I think the signals from Trond Giske so far shows quite clearly what now are waiting: Silkehanskene is off and the stage was set for war in both open ground and in vegetation along the edges”, type Moen in today’s leader in the Trønder-Newspaper.

RECEIVED SMS: Jorodd Asphjell, the leader of the nomination committee of the county Ap, got Giske video on SMS during the meeting of the committee. Video: Emilie Rydning / Dagbladet Show more Rockheim-janitor

Valgforsker Svein Erik Tuastad at the University of Stavanger warns, however, giske’s supporters that they can be held accountable if they support a power struggle.

– They must know what they are doing, if they let Giske blow in once a lederstrid. I think the last week has shown that it was misled by the Labour party to have a formal and slow process in the processing of the alerts against Giske in the last year. Giske has nothing on the Store, he has nothing to complain about in the party’s treatment of him, says the Tuastad to the Newspaper.

The last Labour party now need is a power struggle, points out valgforskeren.

– If the Giske go in the power struggle against Støre, will he really his party hurt. It can at least not be because he has been badly treated by the party, ” says Tuastad.

Espen Ingvar Leirset by Northern University believe the Labour party should work to find a solution to the “Giske-problem”.

– Giske’s not going to thank and bow to having spent all his life in the Labour party, then to move home and be caretakers of the Rockheim. As Støre has turned thumbs down for him, it is difficult to see any good solution. It is best for the party is enough if they can get Giske skysset over in one or another international position, to give him a worthy of the range out of Norwegian politics. There is no dark clouds for the Labor party in the early election, says Leirset.

Trond Giske wanted yesterday not to comment on last week’s events in Trøndelag Ap, and referred to what he said Friday night.

GISKE VIDEO: After a video of Trond Giske has circulated on social media, showing him apparently drunk at a club together with a younger girl, it has been trouble. A commentator in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, Marie Simonsen, coming here with his hard-hitting opinion about it all. Video: Ingrid Cogorno Show more