Yesterday was the day you should lose, the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, in front of the world public in the face and maybe even the Power. His opponent Juan Guaidó the date was chosen with Care. Exactly a month earlier, on 23. January 2019, had begun the opposition, the Chairman of the national Assembly from his office as Venezuelan interim President. Now at his command to around 600 tonnes of relief goods to the starving, suffering from any medical emergency suffering should reach the end of the population, especially on the Colombian border town of Cúcuta, in part, also about Brazil.

to prevent this, let Maduro to close the border crossings and mobilized the army. Guaidó expected that many soldiers would be overrun and the military could be the relief goods, mainly from the USA, into the country.

such A loss of authority, the calculation of the 35-year-old member of the opposition would not survive his adversary politically. In the weeks before Guaidós had hope, the top Army might turn against Maduro, not met.

Several soldiers fled across the border to Colombia

On Saturday morning, opposition deputies reported triumphantly, single trucks with relief goods had the Venezuelan-Brazilian border crossing. In the Venezuelan city of Ureña, which is located directly on the border to Colombia, Uniformed in fierce clashes tear gas against protesters. A lawyer reported collectively in Caracas, at least four people were also killed.

According to eyewitnesses, fired military officers on humanitarian goods, the goods have been brought, in spite of the closed border bridge into the country. Side-by-side with the military have also battled the dreaded “colectivos” from the Venezuelan government, para-armed gangs military Motorcycle.

Four members of the national guard to desert, overcame, with the Encouragement of the crowd, the border block and went over to Colombia. According to the authorities, a total of 23 soldiers fled up yesterday afternoon on Colombian territory.

Although individual trucks with food and medicines to Venezuela arrived, was late in the evening, that Guaidó had failed with his Plan. The military Superiority of the army was obviously too big. “The illegitimate Regime prevents the distribution of aid,” wrote Guaidó on Twitter. Also, the Secretary-General of the organization of American States, Luis Almagro, spoke of a failure.

The collapse of Venezuela declared Chaos, poverty, and political instability – the explanatory video shows how it could come to this.

on Friday, the tension rose by the hour, while the two bearings supplied first to a musical contest with a rather symbolic character. On the Colombian side of the border river Táchira by the British billionaire Richard Branson organized a charity concert Venezuela Aid took place Live, at the dozens of well-known Latin American musicians performed. According to the organizers, around 300’000 people flocked to the occasion. The revenues should be used to buy more relief goods.

On the Venezuelan side of the border bridge Las Tienditas, the government held a festival whose Motto is “hands off Venezuela” was. According to international media, only about 2000 people watched the occasion. Including a large number of Uniformed, members of the Socialist party, as well as employees of state enterprises.

To everyone’s Surprise performed at the Festival of Maduro’s opponent Juan Guaidó. The politicians, the world, around 50 governments recognise as a legitimate head of state, was broken on Thursday from Caracas, and had gone probably on the overland route to the Venezuelan-Colombian border.

The appearance of Maduro and his government had to find additional provocation, had forbidden it, but the Venezuelan Supreme court of the interim President to enter into foreign soil. In Cúcuta, the opposition met with the right-wing conservative President of Colombia, Iván Duque, as well as the Chilean head of government of Sebastián Piñera. A video recording shows how to Guaidó with some companions, crossed the Venezuelan-Colombian border. “This bridge belongs to me. Of course we will,” he calls triumphantly.

“you are a puppet and a Clown with a thousand faces”

Later Guaidó said during a press conference, he had come to Colombia to seek help for his people. He indicated that soldiers had been of the Venezuelan army, which had enabled him to reckless detour into the neighbouring country – probably in the hope to move additional military to the Desert. In addition, Guaidó said again what he said during the past few weeks, several times: Each Uniformed, switch sides, could count on Amnesty.

Venezuela’s foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza said the independent Venezuelan justice will punish the violation of the interim President, hopefully. At a Meeting with Arreaza, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, warned the government in Caracas, the violence against demonstrators.

Previously, in unrest on the border between Venezuela and Brazil, two natives killed. According to witnesses, they were soldiers of the Venezuelan national guard shot and killed. In addition, several of the injured were in hospital, the Brazilian border town of Pacaraima. The Venezuelan authorities deny the fault of the national guardsmen.

Nicolás Maduro’s response to the escalation was contradictory. For years he had denied that in his country a humanitarian crisis. In addition to the allegation that international aid deliveries, a wide coat for an American Invasion, this was so far his main argument, to food and medicines from abroad to be rejected. On Friday, he accepted, however, suddenly supplies from Russia and the EU.

Yesterday, he gave a performance in Caracas, however, unforgiving. “I’m more determined than ever,” said Maduro in front of hundreds of supporters. To Guaidó turned, he continued: “Mr. puppet, Clown with a thousand faces, they still try to presidential elections.” At the same time, he announced that diplomatic relations with the neighboring country of Colombia, to cancel. The Embassy staff had 24 hours to leave the country. The Colombian President gave Nicolás Maduro with the words: “You’re the devil, Iván Duque, and you will burn up inwardly.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 24.02.2019, 08:42 PM