The Kurdish self-administration in Northern Syria does not want to leave according to their own information there, Germans imprisoned jihadists. Thus, in opposition to a threat by US President Donald Trump. The Kurdish high representative for foreign Affairs Abdul Karim Omar said the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”, the 800 foreign prisoners were not in the power of the United States, but in Kurdish hands. Therefore, Trump didn’t decide the fate of fighters the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS).

“We will deal with the IS-members in accordance with the international treaties and conventions, and we will not leave you free,” said Omar of “FAS”. The Berlin-based representative of the Kurdish self-administration, Ibrahim Murad, told the newspaper: “We understand why Trump says the. What has he to do with this?”

Kurds are asking also for withdrawal

Trump had asked the Europeans a week ago, their Fight against the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) in Eastern Syria captured citizens to take back, to make you in your home in the process. Otherwise the USA would have to let you free, are to be expected and thus it was that the fighters to Europe “to penetrate,” wrote the U.S. President in the short message service Twitter. Trump spoke to, specifically, Germany, the UK and France.

Omar said, the foreign prisoners were a burden, but there is in the Kurdish interest, to set you free. “It would be well for us to be dangerous,” stressed Murad, according to the report.

However, Kurdish politicians are calling for in Syria for months the Western countries that they increase their in the civil war country captured citizens back. “These jihadists are like a ticking time bomb. When the bomb bursts, this is a danger for the whole world, not just for us”, quoted the “FAS” the Kurdish representatives in Berlin. The jihadists would have to be prosecuted in their home countries and condemned. In Northern Syria it will not give the necessary capacity.

the speaker of The Syrian Democratic forces (SDF), Mustafa Bali, said on the night of Sunday, the load was for the Kurds “are already too hard” and going through the escape of the foreign jihadists from the “ruins of the Caliphate” is even harder. “That is the biggest challenge for us – unless the governments act and take responsibility for their citizens,” said Bali, using the short message service Twitter.

appeal to “moral and legal responsibility” of Germany

Omar stressed that the Kurds had reached the limits of their power. “We have paid a high price for our country to take back,” said the Kurdish foreign policy chief. “We can now educate even 1500 traumatized foreign children.” It is, therefore, “the moral and legal responsibility” of Germany and its nationals back.

Since December, tens of thousands of members of jihadists from the last IS-Bastion in the East of Syria have fled and surrendered to the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF). Among the prisoners, many European jihadists, with their women and children.

Ziemiak for withdrawal of dual citizenship

according to media reports, several dozen Germans sitting in Syria in Kurdish. The Federal government recognizes all of a right of return, however, so far, no prisons, German from Syria back. Germany and other EU States are seeing massive practical problems. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had said, such extremists are likely to come only to Germany, and if you can be immediately taken into custody. It is questionable whether terrorist acts can be demonstrated abroad. Attorney General Peter Frank recently said, in the meantime, there is only rare evidence such as pictures or Confessor texts in social networks.

CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak said the “Welt am Sonntag” that Germany was the duty of its own nationals to take back. “We expect the same from other States.” If these people had been guilty of, they would have to be brought to justice.

For people with dual citizenship urged Ziemiak but the withdrawal of the German passport. “Who has a dual citizenship, German citizenship through naturalisation received and crimes committed, you should lose the German citizenship.”

to bring More to the subject

terrorist militia “Islamic state” Dangerous returnees

Jost Müller-Neuhof

The Green inner politician Irene Mihalic contradicted, meanwhile, in the “doublet” Reflections of the U.S., foreign fighters in the US prison camp Guantánamo. This is “beyond the pale”. “We must fight the injustice of the IS with the law, the rule of law.” (AFP, dpa)