do you Have tips in the matter? Call 2400 0000 or send e-mail to

Police hunt for a van which among other things carried a container with the highly toxic substance cyanide. The car was stolen from Lørenskog station on Wednesday this week. The page has the alarm gone with the Police, Kripos, PST, the department of justice and the health authorities.

– the Cargo contains drugs to hospitals in Norway, including a container with the highly toxic substance cyanide, enter the East standings in a press release Saturday.

Saturday night, informing the police that they have received several tips in the matter in the course of the day, and that some of them followed up on. However, they will not go further on the content of the tips, or who they have come from.

Police have not yet entered into cooperation with foreign police in connection with the case, but says that they will contact when needed.

We are aware that there is a danger that the car may have been shipped abroad, so we are open to cooperate with foreign police if we are made aware of information that indicates it, ” says politiadvokat in the East police district, Berit Break Risbakken, to Dagbladet.

Have it come up with the information in the interrogation that can help you?

– so I have no comment, ” says Risbakken.

– A tactical review

Police were notified about the theft at 21.30-time Wednesday, when the owner discovered that the car is no longer parked at Lørenskog station. The police assume that the car was stolen between at 19.30 and 21.30.

however, It was only on Friday that police were aware that there was a amount of the very dangerous drug in the car. First Saturday afternoon lit the police the public about the case.

– Is there any reason that you have waited until Saturday to educate on the matter?

– It is a tactical assessment which is taken based on what time you want to go out with the case, ” says politiadvokat in the East police district, Berit Break Risbakken, Dagbladet, without that she would like to say something more about the assessment that lay behind.

the Police informs in the press release that they have inserted the big etterforskingsressurser to find the car. It is also made to the interrogation of the car and driver, and they are working to obtain video surveillance.

STOLEN: Varebilen that is stolen. Photo: Private Show more – Keep your distance!

Varebilen police chase is a Mercedes Sprinter 2018-model with the registration number CV 88344.

They are asking people to notify the police emergency number 112 immediately if they observe the vehicle.

the Police write that the car is silver and that it doesn’t have any marks. The rear camera should be injured, the same applies to a reflex on the left side behind. The car is owned by a carrier, who is on the Interpretation.

– the Public must not approach the car, but keep a good distance, to the emergency services have undertaken the necessary protection.

Cyaniden is located in a small plastic container and it is uncertain if it is selected. They do not exclude that the load has been dumped.

– Not something that suggests terrorplanlegging

Martin Bernsen, a senior adviser in the PST, says to Dagbladet that the threat level is not adjusted as a result of the theft.

– There isn’t anything knowledge we are sitting on, which indicates that this theft can be linked to terrorplanlegging, ” says Bernsen.

If one looks on the mode to the terrorists the last few years, so it is first and foremost to talk about the attacks with simple means, such as a knife and firearm, do not attack with the use of chemical weapons. In this way is also not the threat level changed currently, ” says Bernsen.

– this Is the reviews which can be changed continuously?

We were notified about the case, and it is clear that we are doing our research on the background of it. The preliminary conclusion is that this can’t be linked to terrorplanlegging. East politiditstrikt hold in the investigation. We have close contact with them, and to help in the investigation if we should sit on the relevant information, ” he says.

Graphics: Kjell Erik Berg / the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet Show more Unclear why the car was stolen

Furthermore, informs the police that the investigation so far has not generated evidence to suggest that the event is about something other than a bilbrukstyveri, but excludes not other causes.

Risbakken says that they do not have any information that indicates that the car is in a foreign country.

Fagspesialist at Codan Forsikring, Nils Kristian Brekke, says to Dagbladet that they have seen several cases of that this type of cars have been stolen in the last year, and he considers it as a popular car abroad.

– Typical for thefts of as new cars is that they are transported to abroad. This model is sought after in other countries, for example in the countries of the Baltic region, ” says Brekke.

Since many new cars have tracking system, is it also common among biltyver to find a place your car can come to a rest in a few days.

the Owner of the car: – Cyaniden stood unlocked

– This is done to check if there is any provided with it.

Professional thieves can also use the “jammere” to prevent cars with such a system is to be found.

“Extremely dangerous”

Politiadvokaten says to Dagbladet that the substance cyanide is very dangerous.

– It is a very toxic substance so one should be careful in how to deal with it.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the head of department at Oslo university hospital, Finn E. S. Levy.

He has written an article in the Major medical dictionary where cyanider and blåsyre described as “extremely dangerous”.

“Cyanider and blåsyre is extremely dangerous poisons because they work so quickly: Unconsciousness may occur within seconds. They work by the seizure of one of the cell’s åndedrettsenzymer, so that the organism can’t utilize the oxygen from the blood. The cause of death is a kind of inner suffocation” it says in the article.

the Police, Kripos, the PST and the health authorities are notified about the case.

the Review follows the case.