at the end of 2012, the first Jihadist from Switzerland to Syria. In the years that followed, thousands of men, women and children from the West came. Less than six years ago, the Islamic state met for the first time officially, at the time, he cut with “Isis”. In mid-2014, he called the Caliphate. Who was in the beginning phase of the civil war as a Journalist in Syria on the way, knew quickly the danger of this movement. However, the policy in Europe, put the head in the Sand. You missed the many warnings and allowed himself to be lulled to sleep. So-called terror experts have claimed, IS going to focus first of all on the establishment of his Caliphate. Terrorist attacks abroad would not initially be part of a strategy.

Then the attacks in Paris in 2015. Behind the Syria-returnees were in it. For the political Leader is no appropriate message, because it was actually fully and completely with the “culture of welcome” has that only just arrived Million refugees and migrants. Europe’s governments would have been about six years time, to the return of terrorists from the Syrian-Iraqi conflict zone to prepare. That they deal only now seriously under pressure, is unforgivable.

It is not so, that since the beginning of the IS attacks, nothing would have happened. France has declared a state of emergency, and in Germany, to discuss lawyers, and whether women who have gone to the IS to Syria, in breach of the law or not. Switzerland issued the IS-prohibition law with a maximum penalty of five years in prison for membership in a terrorist organization. These Limits will increase, the Federal Council now for ten years. However, the tightening is coming for all those late, have come from Syria or will do. A Swiss court has so far convicted only a returnee, on Friday. Indicative of the Ticino comes from the Syrian Christian minority. He has fought in the country of origin of his father IS.

The politicians are of the erroneous opinion, that your jihadists could remain always and forever in Kurdish prisons.

Very different is the USA to go with terrorist supporters. So far, the average penalty is a fine of 13.5 years in prison were sentenced to more than 120 IS-offenders. That is a long time, which contributes to the public safety. This is in a nutshell the main problem in the Syria-returnees. In Europe, there is especially Worried as the prosecution of the jihadists. These problems has brought the legislature to a good part of yourself – with the constant Expansion of the accused’s rights and the obstacles, the investigators in the way. That is why Europe is with the exception of France, against the withdrawal of the in North-East Syria, Intern for European jihadis.

Also Minister of justice, Karin Keller-Sutter blows into this Horn, with the Argument that returnees ‘ safety at risk. This suggests that at least 13 of the returnees are located in Switzerland – free foot. For example, the Winterthur Sandro V. almost five years Ago, he returned from Syria. However, the criminal case drags on and on, as all the Jihad travel cases of the Federal government. Meanwhile, the social welfare fraudsters in the black Ferrari through Winterthur boards.

hundreds of jihadists from Europe are being held by Kurdish commanders in northeast Syria. For some time pleading with the Kurds to the Western States, the own people to take back. But once again, Europe is the head in the Sand.

It would be better if the Europeans would take over their nationals in handcuffs and try.

The politicians are of the erroneous opinion, that your jihadists could remain always and forever in Kurdish prisons. However, the American troops will be withdrawn in April, for the most part, and by then, the Kurdish militias have other problems to worry about than foreign jihadists. The Kurds are a Turkish Invasion, or the return of the unpopular troops of the dictator Bashar al-Assad threatens. In both cases, the risk is that militant Islamists will come in an uncontrolled manner. That would be dangerous.

Against this Background, it would be better if the Europeans would take over their nationals in handcuffs and try. However, it would need to be in this case, especially in the case of the Swiss criminal pursuers for a change in priorities, more targeted Work, more resources and better prosecutors. In addition, laws need to be tightened in order to lock up dangerous people for longer than in the past. With his ideas of the Federal Council is a move in the right direction, but it need not, for example, only an upper level of penalties for terrorist supporters, but in any case, also a lower.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 23.02.2019, 09:19 PM