“None of the 150 swedes who returned from terrorsekten ICE has been convicted for crimes committed in the conflict zone.”

“Some other european countries, is investigating all of which will come back, but not Sweden.”

“the Question ought to be discussed, consider terrorexperten Magnus Ranstorp.”

“– There is very little opportunity to ask these people to justice, unless it is not opened any investigations against them. And it is needed if you are going to get access to to go through, for example, their phones and social media accounts, ” he says.”

“There are different views within the EU on how suspicious the IS terrorists returning from Syria and Iraq should be handled. In some countries they have taken a principle decision which requires that all those who, over a period of time have resided in a certain geographical area, such as the historically verified by the ICE, is suspicious, according to prosecutor Hans Ihrman at Riksenheten for national security.”

“– It is, in principle, from the existence of a presumption that you have been involved in either some form of krigsbrottslighet or terrorbrottslighet, ” he says.”

“In Sweden is, however, required a concrete brottsmisstanke to get to initiate an investigation. There is no data to go on to the released person, and the police the opportunity to get at any digital evidence in, for example, phones are reduced drastically.”

“In one case found the police evidence of the terrorist incident of an accident in connection with a search warrant in a narkotikautredning. Two men in western Sweden who was not connected to the ICE were convicted of terrorist offences in Syria to have participated in an execution then the police found the films on the murders on a usb memory stick.”

“Had the police had the opportunity to examine all of the returning from the ICE directly is likely to have had more indicted, think Magnus Ranstorp.”

“– Obviously, it had facilitated. Then they had found much, much more, ” he says.”

“But prosecutor Hans Ihrman do not want to see a special for homecoming IS-followers.”

” Absolutely not. As an absolute minimum to initiate a judicial procedure is that there is some kind of evidence or facts on which the concrete may constitute criminal offence. Only one has been in an area where the atrocities occurred can never be sufficient grounds for you to be suspicious, ” he says.”

“How many of the 150 ICE-supporters who so far have returned to Sweden, which has been the subject of preliminary investigation tells us he doesn’t. But only one has been prosecuted for terrorresa, and no one has been convicted for crimes committed in the conflict zone.”

“About a hundred suspects of the Swedish ICE-terrorists are according to the Fbi remained in the conflict zone, and Magnus Ranstorp believes that the issue of whether to investigate all of the returns in each case should be discussed.”

“– Actually it is fair because they been down in a war zone, ” he says.”

“In Norway, which made the dealings with terrorist organisations in 2013, have significantly more returning jihadis investigated and prosecuted. The Swedish government is aiming for a similar law in the fall. But the law will be late, and prosecutor Hans Ihrman have no great expectations about the outcome.”

“– the Objection will be that it has belonged to the organization during a time when it has not been criminalized. Then we must prove that even after the legislation comes into place still belonged to an organization. It will be quite difficult, because the ICE as a group today in principle is eradicated, ” says Hans Ihrman.”

“About 300 people have since 2012, travelled down to Syria and Iraq to join the våldsbejakande islamist groups in the region, mainly ICE.”

“Approximately half of them have returned.”

“Only one person has been prosecuted for the crime (terrorresa). The judgment was of acquittal.”

“A 50-speech of IS-supporters are believed to have been killed. Around 100 people have been assessed, remain in the conflict zone.”

“Travel where as most 2013 and 2014, then began resandeströmmen blade. 2016 traveled a dozen people.”

“the Return began slowing by 2016. There are now very few.”

“the Fbi have conversations with everyone who returns. There is reason to believe that a crime has been committed, the opening of a preliminary investigation.”