“So can ICE-terrorists condemned back home in Sweden”

“The sweden democrats: We need to retroactively force terrorlagar”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“DEBATE The sweden democrats want to open up a retroactively applicable terrorlagar. The laws are proposed to apply retroactively is the criminalisation of terrorismresa and participation in the terrorist organization.nnDet will be a part of the comprehensive terrorlagstiftning that SD will work for when the government presents a proposition about a particular, criminal liability for participation in a terrorist organization.”

“Sweden was one of the countries in Europe where the most people per capita traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic state terrorkrig.nnMånga European countries, not least our nordic neighbours, were early to criminalize the participation in a terrorist organization and has opened for the possibility to strip citizenship from the IS-terrorists.nnI Sweden chose the red-green government to take some action, but is far from a comprehensive terrorlagstiftning on the basis of the new conditions, where people from Sweden, traveled to and participated in the terrorkrig in other countries.”

“It has until 2018 has been legal to implement terrorismresor to their own country of citizenship and Sweden have not yet criminalized the participation in a terrorist organisation.nnDen this situation leaves Sweden without real opportunities to bring criminal charges against individuals who have chosen and choose to come back to Sweden.nnSveriges lack of work with developing a comprehensive terrorlagstiftning constitutes an international betrayal and poses a threat to Sweden’s and Europe’s security.”

“the reason we want to open up for the possibility, let the criminalisation of terrorismresor and the criminalisation of participation in a terrorist organisation, apply retroactively, from its that there existed a general knowledge of the Islamic state terrorist crimes.nnDet would mean that Sweden would get an opportunity to prosecute all persons who deliberately chose to travel with terrorsyfte or participating in a terrorist organization. The alternative is to let them go freely in our country without any criminal liability.”

“There is a letter in the retroaktivitetsförbudet that gives parliament the mandate to decide on the retroactive legislation if it is ”warranted by specific reasons connected with war, threat of war or severe economic crisis”. “

“The sweden democrats believe that parliament should examine terrorlagarna against the letter. Hundreds of swedes have in a short time acceded to a terrorkrig under conditions where a necessary criminalisation fallen behind.”

“The laws being proposed to operate retroactively means a criminalisation of various acts in a context where the individual pieces are already criminalized. “

“for that reason, there ought to be a greater acceptance of the fact that allow these laws are covered by an exception from the retroaktivitetsförbudet. Those who have traveled have been aware that they in different ways support a terrorkrig.”

“In the extension with the sweden democrats’ politics, we want also to those convicted of terrorist offences having dual nationality shall lose their Swedish citizenship and be deported for life after serving his sentence. “

“Alternatively, investigate how a person can be stateless, where a free life in Sweden is not to wait after serving his punishment.”

“We also want to see about the possibility to get this category of criminals to serve their prison sentences in countries other than Sweden.nnDels in order to avoid a radicalisation of the others in our institutions and in part to a reintegration into the Swedish society after serving his punishment is not up to date.nnMen in particular, we now need to do everything to those who traveled with the intent to support the ICE and come back to Sweden can be prosecuted. nDå is the only way forward to make late adopted terrorlagar retroactively applicable.”

“nAdam Marttinen, rättspolitisk spokesperson (SD)”

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