scientists sometimes have a slightly different idea of fun leisure employment than the average citizen. “Party like it’s 1989” on a site that animates a network of dimensions of age-old development – and their descendants, we today use all.

in Order to understand it, we need to travel in the fall of 1990, back in the primordial soup of the commercial Internet . At the time, developed by Tim Berners-Lee, the so-called father of the Internet, on a NeXT Computer at the Cern in Geneva, the first web browser. So, we move in the World Wide Web, when we start-up web sites. Today, most of these are Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, thirty years ago, your forefather: WorldWideWeb was the name.

just the developers and designers have recreated at Cern, a Form of popular network archaeology, so to speak. In a modern web browser, you can relate to the feeling, as in 1990 looked like the endless Expanses of the network.

Remarkably unspectacular

Who calls the Browser in the Browser, first see something that resembles the user interface of an Apple computer in the nineties. Address bar and Bookmarks, as in a contemporary Browser in vain. This is due to the fact that WorldWideWeb (renamed by the way quickly in Nexus, to avoid confusion with the World Wide Web) is actually a word-processing program on the side can access files on other computers.

to understand the principle, it must be borne in mind that it is Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues went in 1990, mainly to connect different computers – in the first line of scientific institutions with each other, so that you could not have access to individual files on your own computer. Ultimately, the current WWW works, by and Large, according to the same principle, only in a much larger and more complex scope.

Surfing The net on world-wide-web is remarkably unspectacular and easy to explain: In the Navigation on the top left to open a Website by clicking on “Document” and then “Open from full document reference”. It is a field that is today the address bar – there you can enter the full web address, so for example //

Instead of the address bar: Here is the URL directly.

It opens up a very ugly Version of the Tagi – here is revealed, what are the development Websites in the last thirty years. Color: faulty display, pictures and Videos anyway (world wide web had the possibility to display images in a new window). But you can window by click – with each click on a Link a new browser opens.

No beauty: The Tagi site in world wide web.

Everything is gray here

The color palette in world-wide-web is limited to Black and three different shades of grey (if you speak Hex Code: #000, #555, #AAA and #FFF). As fonts two Fonts of the operating system, NeXT available: Helvetica, we know today, and Ohlfs were in the original Browser. The Problem is that Modern versions of the fonts are vector-based, so that you, no matter where you are, not “Pixelate”. In order to allow an authentic world-wide-web experience, and reconstructed the designers at Cern, the original fonts, so what they looked like at the time, on the NeXT computer.

a Tagi-article of today in the 1990s-Browser.

Beautiful and user-friendly, that’s not all, by today’s Standards it’s exciting to see how the network at the time must have looked like, is all. Even if one is glad to be 2019er network. As Tim Berners-Lee and his colleague Robert Cailliau in 1989, submitting a first concept, was her boss, Mike Sendall, incidentally, only moderately convinced of this Internet. He noted their proposal: “Vague, but exciting.”

Created: 22.02.2019, 19:17 PM