Because it is in this power struggle always to symbols. Juan Guaidó 23 February selected to take his challenge against players, Nicolás Maduro, the ultimate challenge. On this day, it’s been exactly a month since Guaidó a public vow to God and to the Constitution passed, and as the interim President of Venezuela appointed. A large part of the population, as well as the international community consider the 35-Year-old since then, as a legitimate head of government of the South American country.

In the presidential Palace of Miraflores, the autocrat Maduro, 56, a igelt but still, with the support of the national armed forces, he makes no attempt to vacate his seat. In Venezuela there are currently two presidents, one of the people, and who has the weapons behind. This Saturday, Juan Guaidó wants to prove that the nation is stronger.

if the concept of a weapon conventionally, the Guaidó leads to this conflict, in fact, unarmed. The interim President is therefore in a rather unconventional policy weapons, several hundred tons of it are already ready to be sent to various border crossings: food packages, medicines, hygiene items for the needy Venezuelan population. “Of the 23. February is the day on which the humanitarian aid to Venezuela will be brought,” announced Guaidó. And he added: “sí o sí” without If and But.

Musical competition before the Showdown

to prevent Maduro with all of the available Power. He had the block all border crossings and ports, as well as the air space. On Friday, it came on the border with Brazil to a fatal incident, The army fired on indigenous civilians, who wanted to hold a Transition in the open. A woman died.

Maduro, defense Minister Vladimir Padrino stated that the army was on alert, “preventing any attempts of a breach of the integrity of the territory”. If both sides put their words into action, controls Venezuela on such a thing as a Humanitarian war to Help.

The collapse of Venezuela declared Chaos, poverty, and political instability – the explanatory video shows how it could come to this.

It is for each independent observer obvious that the ölreichste state of the world is in a severe humanitarian emergency, and have been for years. Basic food, essential drugs, but also soap, toilet paper and condoms have become for many Venezuelans to be unaffordable luxury goods. The medical care is almost broken completely.

Maduro, however, has fought back against humanitarian aid, because from his point of view, no crisis. This kind of denial of reality has cost him the greatest part of his already low support of the people. Guaidó want to take advantage of this now. He’s obviously trying to demonstrate that he, and not Maduro control the borders. That would be assumption as a first step to its effective power. Contrary to all the assurances Guaidós you may guess that the actual distribution of the relief goods is scheduled to use any Collateral.

Over a hundred tons of relief supplies

Juan Guaidó made on Thursday in a convoy on the way to the Colombian border, the relief supplies “to pick up”. The Colombian city of Cúcuta, on the left side of the border river, Río táchira, takes a key strategic role in the struggle for Venezuela. There over a hundred tons of piling up for weeks of relief supplies, the largest part of the US Agency Usaid. The governments in Bogotá and Washington have been at the forefront of the international Alliance against Maduro. Of Cúcuta from two bridges to Venezuela, both of which are so far blocked by the Venezuelan army on the instructions of Maduros. On Saturday it will be a matter of whether it is possible Guaidó, the chain of command to break.

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The hell with people chains work. Supposedly 700’000 Volunteers are ready to help carry the food packages across the borders. The Catholic Church has urged the government offered relief goods. “The country needs humanitarian aid,” it said in a statement, the Venezuelan bishops ‘ conference. The main focus is on Villa del Rosario, but the Maduro’s opponents want to try it on three fronts. Also in the Brazilian border town of Pacaraima, as well as on the Caribbean island of Curaçao are received deliveries. Curacao is located 70 kilometers from the Venezuelan mainland and is part of the Netherlands. Also Europe is involved in the power struggle for Guaidó important, because he wants to refute the accusation that he would only supported by far right wing or ultra-right-ruled countries such as the USA, Colombia and Brazil.

Blockade as a “crime against humanity”

Juan Guaidó has called on the Venezuelan armed forces for the umpteenth time, to change sides and let the relief goods into the country. If there’s a Plan B, in case the soldiers should take action against the planned human chain, he left open. The opposition Deputy José Trujillo, who was entrusted with the organization of the “pick-up”, hinting that an international Mission in accordance with the international law principle of the responsibility to protect would be in question. The Blockade of aid shipments and called Trujillo a “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”. Similar to the Colombian head of state, Iván Duque expressed in the past week.

Duque wants to exercise on Friday in Cúcuta pressure on Maduro, he attended a charity concert, at the 250’000 spectators are expected and 100 million dollars to come together for further aid deliveries to Venezuela. The event is organized by the British billionaire Richard Branson, it’s called “Venezuela Aid Live” – a nod to the “Live Aid” from 1985 at London’s Wembley stadium. In Cúcuta popular Latin-American artists, including the Dominican Grammy-winner Juan Luis Guerra, and Luis Fonsi, Puerto Rico. Maduro is trying to, in turn, on the other side of the bridge with a concert called the “hands off Venezuela”. Before Saturday, the Showdown begins with the relief goods, both Venezuelan President, a singing contest. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.02.2019, 20:56 PM