“Russian aircraft very close to the Swedish signalspaningsplan”

“In the beginning of the week was flying a Russian SU 27-the plan is very close to a Swedish signalspaningsflygplan during a flight over the Baltic sea.”

“– It is a remarkable event, ” says flygstabschef Anders Persson.”

“the Incident occurred in the beginning of the week In international airspace. The Russian fighter flew at a distance of less than 20 metres. The armed forces have reported the incident to the government.”

“The Swedish signalspaningsplanet was in the normal mission in the Baltic sea and found themselves between the island of Gotland and the Baltic countries when a Russian plane took off from Kaliningrad and flew up with the Swedish plane,” says colonel Anders Persson.”

“– First passed by the front, and then they came back and went to catch up with, and lay very, very close, closer than what is usually the usual.”

“On the question of the likely purpose with the Russian rationale for answer Anders Persson:”

” It’s probably just that they want to make a courtship, through an assertive behavior speak if they do not think that we should be where we were.”

“– You usually don’t approach with as high a speed as they did from the front and then swing around and then catch up with supersonic.”

“He believes that similar events will occur no more than once per year and call the event a remarkable one.”