“So you will find mushrooms in the forest”

“Now it’s finally svamptider. ngo out in nature and pick the basket full.nSvampkonsulenten Cecilia Hultqvist share their best tips. “

“Svampkonsulenten Cecilia Hultqvist is an inveterate svampfantast and has worked as a svampkonsulent in almost 10 years. Now she shares the best tips to get the basket full of mushrooms in the forest. “

“Different mushrooms grow in different forests. Find out what type of forest you are going to visit, depending on which mushrooms you want to pick. “

“– If you want to find blomkålssvamp, for example, you need to look in the pine woods that they grow there. Do you want to have björksopp you need to look where there are birch trees and so on, ” says Cecilia Hultqvist. “

“Mushrooms on the other hand, is growing in several different types of forest and is not tied to a particular tree. “

“2. You search to humid areas ”

“There it has been raining, there is a greater chance to find mushrooms. Approximately two weeks after the rain starts the mushrooms to look up. “

“– I usually look at the weather map and find out where there has been a lot of rainfall, then I will go to a forest in the area, says Cecilia Hultqvist.”

“3. Go to a mature forest.”

“– Go to an old forest, where the species are to be found much greater, and there you can find much more and fun stuff, ” says Cecilia Hultqvist. “

“Svampkonsulenten further recommends to take with a child on the excursion, they are often very good at finding mushrooms.”

“– They are shorter and nyfiknare than we and cleans around down at the ground, says Cecilia Hultquist. “

“in Order to not get lost in the woods, it can be good to have with you a gps. It is also a good trick to have the courage to go further out in the forest, and thus find a more pristine places. “

“– Then you can go to places where not all of the others have already trodden around, ” says Cecilia Hultqvist. “

“Take with you a knife and a basket when you are out to pick. To pick at the plastic bag may make that the sponge is bad before you get home. Gut their mushrooms with a time and pick only the fresh mushrooms, in this way you keep the mushrooms clean and facilitates the cleansing process before you prepare the mushrooms.”

“Let small mushrooms have to be left in the forest and grow up and avoid the very largest, because they can be infested by insects. “

“Cecilia Hultqvist advise you to go with in a svampforum on Facebook to get answers to your questions and recommend you take with you a svampbok out in the woods to make sure that you pick the right mushrooms. “

“– A good svampbok is the A and O. It must be up to date, things happen all the time. Matvärdet to be the kind of thing that we ate in the past can today be classified as giftsvampar, ” she says. “