Brandenburg as a child of the ice age, rich in waters. A Paradise for frogs, toads, and toads. One would think. However, in the open country species such as red-Bellied toad, and green toad are in acute danger. Practical examples show how these species might survive.

drought years drought years

Norbert Schneeweiß, head of the nature conservation station Rhinluch, for decades for the interests of the amphibians in the state of Brandenburg. He knows that in wet years, as of 2017, populations grow, and in drought years such as 2018 can break. But the real problems for species like the neon green tree frogs (Hyla arborea) or fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina) with the red-and-black marbled bellies antics other than occasional weather. What is the role of dying, the so-called Insects, is unknown. The fact is that amphibians do not eat a large Share of insects. Dramatically, the Situation for amphibians is, at least in the agricultural landscape. “Very strong, the decline of open country species such as European green toad and the cross is a toad,” says snow white, whose work belongs to the country office for the environment Brandenburg. Both types were barely spawning. “In the past, they themselves have spawned in water leading arable tarns, and successfully propagated.” In the record time of 18 days for a tadpole to young toad, which subsequently goes to the country develops. “Tarns” are intermittent ponds. It is today hardly. You can have a Lack of various reasons, The far-reaching drainage systems on fields play an important role.

The exchange and cross-toads, also small gravel is a lack of pits, as it formerly existed in many of the villages “Who needed some gravel, went and caught up with him,” says Snow. In the small water pits could develop into tadpoles. In the meantime, such informal collection is regulated, in part for good reasons. The ponds have become silted up or become a construction or acreage. And large commercial Mining for gravel, clay and the like would be quickly re-cultivated, important spawning waters filled.

pond – inconspicuous, but important

“The natterjack toad in Brandenburg is at the Limit,” says snow white. Similar to the change in toads removed. Also do you prefer for your proliferation of temporary waters. With the toad Brandenburg would lose one of the next to the Nightingale, probably sounding most nocturnal singers. Where toads call males melodic, remind your soft trills of Canaries.

the fire-Bellied toad prepares for snow white. You have it becoming increasingly difficult, as it requires relatively clean water, and a water temperature of 15 degrees spawns. The be reached until may or June. “In the Berlin room we had in the last years a decline of 30 percent and this Trend is set to continue.” Also their characteristic, for some listeners a little spooky-sounding “Huh-Huh”-Calls are missing more and more often in spring and early summer nights.

The dry years prior to 2017 would have contributed to the loss. In addition, clean water had become sufficiently in the agricultural landscapes rar. In nutrient-rich ponds the spawning of the fire-bellied toads or a low number verpilzt, tadpoles hatch.

support measures such as the provision of ecological focus areas – the so-called “Greening” – or by contract-based nature conservation in the agricultural area do not seem to be enough. Necessary, such as the width ungedüngte edge of the strip around would be the spawning habitats in order to secure the required water quality.


fire-bellied toads and tree frogs have, however, allies in the rural economy: the pond owners. However, their number decreases. “Because, increasingly, ponds are not managed, such as propagating centres, but these ponds are important source populations for amphibians.”

Addressed to the worldwide phenomenon of the by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in short, chytrid fungus has caused amphibian mortality, snow white – at least provisionally – the all-clear. The recently deceased Berlin veterinarian Frank mutsch man would have found the fungus in amphibians from all over Germany. He would have investigated, for example, in the Schorfheide heavily infected animals. However, they had showed no symptoms of the disease. This fungus, however, is not the only dangerous pest. In Holland and Belgium of the Salamander eater called skin fungus Batrachochytrium salamandri has destroyed progress complete Salamander populations. Currently grass probably with terrarium animals from Asia, invasive fungal magnetized in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is only a matter of time until he will have reached the state of Brandenburg and Berlin. Salamander it is in Brandenburg, but different pig species such as newts, the skin fungus infects and kills.

But there is also positive news for toads, toads, tree frogs and co. is A model lease of land, subject to conditions, such as the naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nabu) in the Uckermark. The most Important 20 metre wide edge strips are to the Spawning ground would be fertilized on which neither the one nor the pesticides applied. “With the farmers, there are clear agreements, and it is a Win-win Situation,” says snow white. In addition, that would be willow and the water cooling stop at the end of the trees – mostly – to like from time to time. For the pastures is not a Problem. They drive off.

Berlin amphibians

approaches to the rescue of the “urban” cross-toads, there are also. “The last known Occurrence in Berlin is located at Pankower Tor”, says Mirjam Nadjafzadeh, species protection officer at Nabu. However, planned construction activities could threaten it. “The goal of the Nabu Berlin, is to receive a part of the population of this area,” says Nadjafzadeh. And toads could move. There are areas that would be suitable for the establishment of new populations. Thus, the Occurrence of these endangered species could be secured in Berlin.

frog concerts and toads chants don’t have to cease absolutely. Currently you can hear but serious prophecies of doom: The Red list of Brandenburg in 2004, leads the cross – and exchange-toad in category 3, “at risk.” 15 years later, you are at risk of having arrived, most likely in category 2: “strong”.

are Currently being established in many places, again, amphibian fences. The animals in the morning, brought in by helpers unmolested on the other side of the road, is not safe here. Because raccoons have learned the fences and catch bucket, in the meantime, as a late-night Buffets appreciate.

More about

wild animals in the spread of the raccoon, other types

Roland Schulz

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