on Tuesday afternoon, 67-year-old Bjørg Marie Skeisvoll Hereid attack on Our Savior’s cemetery in Haugesund. She died later of the injuries she sustained.

A 48-year-old man, previously sentenced a number of times, is charged with the murder of her. The police informs that there is some relation between the two, and all indications are that the Hereid was a random victim.

– It is unusual. I’m on the border to say that it is rare, ” says psykologspesialist Pål Grøndahl to the Newspaper.

He explains that they often choose to defer for serious violence or murder, are people who we have a relationship with and that means something for us – good and bad.

– It is often emotions that govern us, and then it is friends, acquaintances, family and partner who were affected, ” he says.

– NOT the USUAL: Psykologspesialist Pål Grøndahl emphasizes that it is not common that random people will be exposed for the murders in Norway. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more Psychiatric evaluation

Grøndahl, who among other things has written the book “On killing”, saying that it is difficult to say something about why the random killing happens. What has happened and why varies from case to case.

” We don’t know what has happened between two people who have known each other. We don’t know what was going on in the head of this man. It becomes speculative.

Is it so that it is often psychiatry in the picture when it committed murder on random victims?

– Intuitive sounds so that utilregnelige more often can kill random victims. To take the life of some random, linking the greater the doubt to the sanity because it purely can apparently appear without any clear motive, ” he says.

Thursday was the drapssiktede man ” I in four weeks with letter and besøkskontroll. Defender Erik Lea says that his client is mentally ill. Both the defender and the police has prompted a judisiell observation of 48-year-old, to ascertain whether or not he is criminally sane or not.

the Man has several times been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. He is also well known in Haugesund rusmiljø, and is described as a heavy addict.

WERE KILLED: Bjørg Marie would lay the flowers on the familiegraven. Now, she is killed. Photo: Private View more Previously convicted

It charged the man agreed to fengslig in front of the hearing, provided that he is admitted. Diesel city court came, however, that he shall be imprisoned in the usual way.

Grøndahl explains that although the man was ” I now, he may be reallocated to a psychiatric institution if it is necessary. However, it should to be reallocated from custody than from the ordinary imprisonment in jail.

The drapssiktede the man has over 20 judgments on him from before. The first he received as a 15-year-old. Since he has been convicted for death threats on the his father and the violence against his former common law spouse, as well as another woman in rusmiljøet.

– the Human condition can change. Therefore, a judisiell observation is done several times on the same person. The case seriously also plays into, ” says Grøndahl.

He refers to that in the less severe cases there will be a dismissal in a number of cases because of utilregnelighet. While in serious cases with doubts about sanity, will have a renewed judicial observation of that person.

JAILED: Politiadvokat Thor Buberg in the South-West police district were granted varetektfengsling for the charged 48-year-old. Video: Ralf Lofstad and Øistein Norum Monsen/Dagbladet. Show more – Kriminologisk lykkeland

The last few months there have been several murder cases. Grøndahl emphasizes, however, that we have had more kills now than in the past. He refers to the fact that we in Norway have very low rates internationally with 0.6 homicides per 100 000 capita.

Sweden has on his page 1.07 and the united STATES, 5.7 per 100 000 capita.

– There is no dramatic drapsbølge or tendency. It is the result of random events and fluctuations, ” he says.

According to the psokologspesialisten have drapsutviklingen only gone one way – and it is in the right direction.

It committed fewer murders. The last ten-twenty years is the number of murders halved. It is safer now than just ten years ago. I tend to call Norway a kriminologisk lykkeland when it comes to killing, he says.

Grøndahl shows that it is a good deal more murders in Sweden, and believes this due to the fact that they have multiple criminal gangs. He believes this also is the reason why Sweden has several unsolved murders.

– Threads encourage each other and covers for each other. Therefore, it is important to forebyggge early – especially with respect to young people who are in the process of developing a criminal history. If such threads get build up and get a foothold, then it can be dangerous and some can be randomly hit, ” he says.

– Children should not have to vegre out to get the mail No characteristics

On the question as to whether one can see if someone is in the process of being killers, the answer is no.

– We can see an unfortunate development in the direction of high risk for committing serious violence. But we can’t look at someone that they are going to commit a murder, ” says Grøndahl.

He, however, shows that we often believe it, and that it created profiles in the belief that one can identify potential killers.

– We can not control and predict an offender. It does not go in, and with that murder is a rare phenomenon. But we can say that people with multiple offences, especially with violence and intoxication, jacks itself up in a high-risk group.

Nevertheless emphasizes psykologspesialisten that you can have all the possible biological, social and kriminologiske sign that you are in the wrong direction, without that you need to be a killer.

few of us are drapspersoner. A few times, it happens that those without any risk, commit murder. All this makes it terribly difficult to predict such things, ” he says.

-Glad I was not the expert for Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet Plus