Finland defeated france’s basketball cup qualifier.Henrik dettman was piloted by Finland to victory in Espoo, finland. Tomi Hänninen

the Finnish men’s national basketball team play this coming Sunday history from another basketball championships-place Permissä.

wolf gang called the blue and white were forced to win in front of world cup-qualifying matches Thursday at the home arena in Espoo, finland, since Russia had won earlier at the opening of the struggle in Bulgaria 104-60.

the Finnish were up against the French, whose team was athletic, but far from the best possible star. Finland fought 76-69 (31-33) -win 7 009-headed the home crowd’s delight.

the Finnish hero was the game author Jamar Wilson , which bears the admirable way that the load, when the Petteri Koponen was blocked euro league-in a hurry. Wilson said the French physical defenders on their toes with his antics and was sunk by a whopping 29 points. the Sasu Salin the chime 14, respectively.

france’s best points the author was Amine Nouail 19, respectively.

the Victory ensured Finland MM-the dream of survival alive. Finland facing Russia next Sunday Permissä. At stake is the MM-location. Finland must win match at least three points, it would bring the coveted and historic WORLD place next autumn in China.

Finland 1-2-point win or a Russian victory would bring a plane ticket to China the host team.