The 24-year-old Latvian man who 9. december last year drove drunk driving and killed a 41-year-old woman and two children, are today sentenced to three years in prison by the Court in Herning.

in Addition, is the man slated for deportation of Denmark with a ban forever and the deprival of the right to drive a car in ten years.

There was nothing on the scene of the accident, which prevented in that at a good distance could see that it held a car and had to swing to the left, the judge said at the sentencing.

– We believe that there is so much about this accident have been avoided if you had not been under the influence of alcohol. We know, among other things, because you yourself said it, you do not so something, before the car was in front of you, and everything was black. Therefore, we estimate that your drive therefore, has been particularly reckless.

in addition to the judgment the 24-year-old man pay the total 490.000 kroner in compensation to the two families.