– Finally, finally…
– In my eyes is the radical responsible for the lack of integration during the last 30 years..
– Just the smallest comment – so was accused of being a racist.
– he May so open the eyes of Zenia or is she still Stuck?
How to write Fairy tales.dk-contributor, Svend H. in a comment to a letter to the editor of the radical leader, Morten Østergaard, who frankly admits that he has become smarter and has changed the attitude – after his stay in Vollsmose and Gellerup. the
And Svend is not the only one who welcomes Morten in the post ‘Smarter out in reality: I’m done with Christiansborgs hamsterhjul’ now fol.a. admits that there need to be tougher methods to:
– I was wrong when I supported the government’s gang-pack. The police are happy with the tools.
– They told me that it has tampered with glorien of life in and around the gangs. It takes I to me.
– And in both the Bazar Vest in Gellerup and Bøgetorvet in Vollsmose, I got the same clear call: Give the police more opportunities to get thrown in the cold-blooded karrierekriminelle in prison and out of our neighborhood, writes Morten Østergaard bl.a.,to Bobby O’s big pleasure:
– Better to recognize new and recognize to be wrong, at the same time to preserve his humanism, which I consider to Morten Østergaard do.
– We have then also a right party which looks set as its primary task to look down on a particular group and inflate to the fire, writes Jason O, but what are you thinking?