The US government does not want to take the repentant supporter of the terror militia IS, Hoda Muthana, again. However, the Situation remains complicated.

U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on Wednesday in the short message service Twitter, he had instructed US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, the 24-year-old Hoda Muthana “back to the Land”. Pompeo to agree with him, “fully,” explained Trump.

Diplomatic box of tricks?

Pompeo had previously declared to be a case of a young woman, with her it was “not a US citizen, and you will not be left in the United States”. You have a valid US passport and no right to such. The woman did not have a visa to enter the United States.

“We advise all U.S. citizens to travel to Syria,” said Pompeo. Muthana had lived in the US state of Alabama before you for a while years ago to Syria, where the IS to connect. According to the lawyer of the woman she was born but in the United States.

The 24-Year-old is one of about 1,500 foreign women and children are being held by Kurds in a refugee camp in al-Hul. She had reported in an Interview with the British newspaper “the Guardian” word and their hope expressed in the United States return. She was online been radicalized and do not regret their decision, said the mother of an 18-month-old son.

celebrities IS-agitator

Muthana travelled to their own information, 2014 via Turkey to Syria in the former ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, where she married an Australian jihadis. As this was killed, she married a Tunisian who fell in the battle of Mosul in Northern Iraq. In 2018, it entered into a marriage with a Syrian IS fighters.

In social media Muthana IS Propaganda and incited followers against the United States. She counted agitators among the most prominent IS -. Muthana is now, that others would have led to their Twitter Account. She describes herself as a victim of brainwashing, and says she is ashamed of today for their support for the Islamists.

U.S. President Donald Trump called on European countries at the weekend via Twitter to more than 800 in Syria prisoner IS fighters to withdraw, and to bring them to justice. If the allies did not react, had forced the United States to put the fighter on free foot. However, these are not in US custody, but in the violence of Kurdish forces. (Dec/sda)

Created: 20.02.2019, 21:35 PM