– the Hungarian högerpopulistiske prime minister, Viktor Orbán, recently launched a new family policy, which among other things gives a lifetime exemption for Hungarian women who give birth more than four children. The program aims to increase the native Hungarian population and Orbán announces it as the opposite to let in large amounts of overseas immigrants – something he claims that the EU and the western countries want to impose on Hungary.

Annika Strandhäll tweeted on 12 February, the Hungarian proposal, she wrote ”osar 30”. Since then she has been the target of sharp criticism from the Hungarian government and the loyalist media. In the weekend-called deputy prime minister Zsolt Zemjen Strandhäll for ”a poor sick creature” on live tv.

– The two countries are far apart on many issues. For Orbán and his government, Sweden is a perfect opponent, a country of ”political correctness” and tolerance towards immigrants from the Arab world and sexual minorities. Conditions in Sweden – sometimes with a kernel of truth, sometimes purely imaginary – often used as a shocking example of the government and in the Hungarian media.

In a state-sponsored campaign last year stated that there were dozens of the Swedish ”no go zones” where neither the police or other authorities ventured. Our country is portrayed as being dominated by islamist fanatics, on the verge of collapse.

Hungarian ministers is in fact satisfied when they are given the opportunity to criticize the Swedish colleagues, because they then get the chance to prove themselves tough to their own population in issues such as immigration and family policy.

In the same way usually the Swedish representatives will gladly take the chance to carp down on Hungary. Sweden’s ambassador in Budapest, Niclas Trouvé, has kept a high profile and not withdrawn in order to hold public meetings with Orbánkritiska organizations and criticize the parts of the Hungarian government policy.

In december, accused of Orbán’s closest men’s Trouvé for ”spreading lies and distorting the facts”. A tidningskrönikör felt that the ambassador should change jobs and ”clean toilets” instead.

– During the great flyktingvågen 2015 ended up Hungary in the spotlight when hundreds of thousands of refugees took the balkan route towards their ultimate goal of Germany and Scandinavia.

He understood flyktingfrågans force and made it his paradgren. He had started to build a fence along the country’s south border and declared Hungary as a country with a zero tolerance policy against utomeuropéer, especially muslims.

By constantly referring to people’s concern for the strangers, he has managed to cement its grip on power in Hungary. When the EU decided to allocate parts of the flow of refugees between member states arranged Orbán a referendum against the decision – which was produced as a genuine threat to the nation, despite the fact that it was only 1.294 people.

Everything can be seen in the context of migration. Also family oriented, which becomes a way for the shrinking of Hungary to avoid having to bring in outsiders – Hungarian women should instead increase the rate of fertility.

the campaigns against the Hungarian-born billionaire and philanthropist George Soros are linked together with the issue of refugees. Soros is claimed incorrectly will flood Hungary and Europe with the muslims to create chaos.

the Need to find external enemies seem insatiable of Orbán and his subordinates. It is populated by muslims, of the Soros, by the EUROPEAN commission and sometimes by a Swedish minister.

Read more: She brought the dark image of Sweden to Hungary

Read more: Right-wing sets the agenda when Hungary vote no to the refugees