In the dispute over the Brexit have left three members of the British Tories, the conservative party in government and a switch to the camp of the new “Independent group”. According to the British “Guardian” is EU-friendly politicians, Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi All. The three Parliamentarians who had called for a second Brexit Referendum, announced their decision on Wednesday in a letter to the Prime Minister Theresa May.

“We don’t have the feeling that we will be able to remain in a party in government, whose policies and priorities are determined very by the ERG (European Research Group) and the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)”, – quotes the Guardian the three deputies. The Brexit have defined the conservative party and all the efforts to modernise undone.

May: “We do the Right thing for our country,”

to follow The Ex-Tory women called on other members of the public, your example. Observers believe that this will result in the balance of power change in the Parliament and this could possibly lead to a solution to the EU exit.

Theresa May was “saddened by this decision”, but unwavering. Under her leadership, the party will hold “a reasonable, moderate, and Patriotic policy,” she said in London. She stressed, with a view to the on 29. March planned Brexit: “We do the Right thing for our country.”

The three separatist politicians were against it: “The country deserves something Better.” Both the Conservative as well as in the Labour party’s great mistake had been made. The policy is in need of a fast, radical Reform. “And we are determined to make our contribution.”

Blackford: “The Tories and the Labour party implode”

The leader of the Scottish national party SNP, Ian Blackford, spoke in Parliament of a “constitutional crisis, on the verge of a Brexit-disaster”. The house is at war with itself. “The Tories and the Labour party implode,” said Blackford.

The three deputies to a group of renegade Labour member connect, which joined on Monday from the opposition party. As a reason, the beaten Labour members had the Brexit course of their party leaders, Jeremy Corbyn called. The 69-Year-old who has long drawn a clear Position to exit the EU, on new elections.

The members also criticise the handling of the Altlinken with anti-Semitic tendencies in his party. An eighth Labour MP, Joan Ryan, left on Wednesday Labour. She was scared, “appalled and angry” about the fact that Corbyn let insults by Jews go unpunished, said Ryan of the BBC. He was not suited to lead in the future of the country.

last summer, Corbyn had acknowledged that the disciplinary proceedings against anti-Semitic party members have been too slow and timid. Critics accuse him of also a one-sided support of the Palestinians in the middle East conflict.

the longer it is feared that Labour might break apart. The opinions about Corbyn apart to go in the party. Many young people, he moved in droves to the party.

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Sebastian Borger

it is Unclear whether the new group is forming in Parliament to a party. The British electoral system that only knows the direct mandate, preferably, the two major parties. Smaller have it is extremely difficult to win seats in the lower house. Nevertheless, both major parties are finding it increasingly difficult to win a clear majority for the government. (AFP, Reuters, dpa, Tsp)