On channel weather map is the good place to view the fylkeshovedstaden Hamar. The coming new storfylket Innlandets their largest city now has approx. 31.000 inhabitants. The Norwegian broadcasting corporation moving its editorial staff from Elverum to Hamar in these days.

We have the airport, new and expanded to 4-field E-6, good rail links to the north, south and to the east and to the Hamar, the new InterCity double track very first. Hamar, Norway’s most famous stupetårn right by the lake Mjøsa and it is important to know the weather there – for badeglade and solhungrige from many parts of the country.

Tilflyttingen to Hamar is now significant and is above the national average.

Hamar has eliteserielag in ice hockey, in kvinnehåndball and in women’s football and have Newcastle as nyopprykket to 1 division. In the Ship begets we arrive the good skaters. We have our beautiful and snow-sure cross-country skiing in the Vangsåen and on Hedmarksvidden close by and there værvarselhungrige need to know about the weather.

finally mentioned that it’s not inconceivable that the government finally decide to build the new hovedsykehuset in/near Hamar when the state and the government in fact about a couple of years need to look at their total development costs are for the kingdom of Norway and the need to prioritize.

Also why must the Heat once again with the værkartene also in TV 2!