It must be the end of foreign bolighajers took on the housing market.

this is Why Democratic president, Mette Frederiksen, ready with a series of proposals to prevent private equity funds as Blackstones massive purchases of rental housing in the largest cities in the country.

– It is a big problem that foreign private equity funds in a big way is starting to buy up cheap housing in Copenhagen with the sole aim to earn a lot of money on large rent increases, says The president, Mette Frederiksen.

During the firepunkts plan

in addition to double moderniseringsgrænsen, so it will be more expensive to repair a lease before the rent can be raised, suggests the Social democrats today a four-point plan, which shall put a stop to foreign bolighajers investment in rental property.

the Rent must be a maximum of 10 per cent. the average rent for public housing in the municipality for a § 5 paragraph. 2-renovation.

the introduction of a new tax on the profit of rental properties with the homes purchased and sold again within a short period of time.

Huslejestigningen as a result of § 5 paragraph. 2-the renovations should be temporary, so huslejestigningen lapse after a period of time.

To § 5 paragraph. 2-renovations can only be used if it improves the property’s energy rating, so the scope of the scheme is limited. Show more Close

private equity fund Blackstone, which is the world’s largest ejendomsforvalter, has been heavily in the spotlight at the latest.

Via their management company 360 North has acquired 157 rental properties to a value of 10 billion dollars. In addition, the bankrupt bolighaj Nils Jansson in front of the enterprise, using a particularly lucrative scam.

When a tenant vacates, sets the landlord the kitchen or bath in the apartment, a so-called 5.2-renovation, that can double or triple the rent according to the rules of the lejedes value.

5.2 renovation

The Danish rental properties has become interesting for foreign investors, because there is a big win and waiting, when the tenants vacates their dwelling.

By setting the kitchen or bath in an apartment, a so-called 5.2 renovation, the landlord can double or triple the rent.

Boligreguleringslovens § 5. paragraph. 2 was introduced in 1996 to make it possible to renovate the many dilapidated leases.

There must be a ‘comprehensive renovation’ of approximately 2,500 dollars per square meter, before a tenancy can be regulated by the rent act.

In Frederiksberg are three properties with many socially assigned residents recently been sold to Blackstone. It has created fear among the residents of Blackstone are known to make use of aggressive methods in order to get the tenants to move.

The concern of the Democratic president well recognize.

– I think that many tenants are rightly nervous and anxious at the kapitalfondenes the acquisition of their properties and relatively aggressive conduct towards the tenants, says Mette Frederiksen.

In a access Extra the Magazine has received from the Rent in Copenhagen, it appears that there has been complained 99 times over Blackstones management company, 360 North.

Claus Højte, director of the Tenants ‘ LO, have heard about several incidents with the Blackstone, where the inhabitants have been offered money to move, or where the water has suddenly stopped working. He is pleased now of the political action, though he saw that you eliminated the big deal.

– All actions that can put a stop the right now uncontrolled lejestigninger, is good. We like that you eliminated the possibility that the low 5.2-renovations, but the four actions are sensible, says Claus Højte.

Udskældt private equity fund

The u.s. private equity fund Blackstone has several times been accused for having used tax havens.

Blackstone has acquired 157 properties in Denmark.

Blackstone is working with the Danish firm 360 North – where Nils Jansson, who was known as speedy during the financial crisis, is investeringsdirektør in, and as his minor daughters of the owner.

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last week, reported the Danish people’s party boligordfører, J. Dea Larsen, in addition, that something should be done about the problem in the short term.

She will have put the amount for modernisation, up from a quarter to a half a million dollars. It will make it less interesting to invest in small, cheap apartments. It has right now a majority consisting of S, SF and Enhedslisten.

Merete Dea Larsen nods familiarly to the four points, as the Social democrats of the day presents, but she will wait on, to a committee consisting of the different parties look at it.

– I strongly believe that there need to do something now, but in the longer term it is important that we consult all parties in the case, she says.

For the proposal, the Social democrats comes with now, fear she hits housing cooperatives and ordinary landlords.

Mette Frederiksen denies that the crackdown against ejendomsspekulanter need to go beyond cooperative housing. Therefore, she is ready to try to find other solutions:

– We will go far to ensure that andelsboligen will be an opportunity for the common people, and therefore we have not loaded the os completely fixed on the solutions. But we have to brace ourselves to creating a city for everyone, she says.

housing minister Ole Birk Olesen (LA) does not have the opportunity to make up to the interview. He refers to a settlement that was adopted in 2014 at the bearing area. On top of the Socialist party’s proposal, he will now convene for discussions.

’the Settlement can not be changed, unless there is a consensus among all the parties in the circle of political parties. I will convene a meeting with the political parties, so that we can discuss the Socialist proposals, but there needs to be agreement in the whole circle of political parties, if the proposals are to be implemented,’ says Ole Birk Olesen said in a written comment.

It has not been possible to get a comment from 360 North, or Blackstone.