In the NRW state Parliament, announced Prime Minister Laschet today, a grubbing-up stop for the hambach forest by 2020. Also, he wishes a receipt of the forest.

NRW-Prime Minister Laschet plans for the Rhine area

The NRW state Parliament debate on Wednesday (20.02.2019) on the coal-consensus. NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), announced a commitment of RWE by 2020, no clearing work in the hambach forest.

“I call on all participants in the occupation of the hambach forest, to leave this place. You leave the place, of which you say that you want to protect him, in peace.” For two years there is no danger for the hambach forest. Laschet to the formulation of the final report of the coal Commission, of the receipt of the forest was “desirable”.

commitment for more forest pieces

Also in the South Merzenicher Erbwald and the protected area of stone Heath, with its woodland will remain untouched by the brown coal removal, such as the Prime Minister said.

On the legality of clearing the hambach forest is still before the court.

the Sharp criticism of the Greens

For the Green group Chairman Monika Düker, the commitment of Armin Laschet was for the preservation of the hambach forest is too vague: “do not Connect only the desire, but you assume that it’s active.”

culvert demanded Laschet, a clear protection for the forest. “Transfer him to a Foundation, you declare him as a natural monument”, in order for the conflict to the forest would be solved.”

by Armin Laschet announced deforestation moratorium, “we owe to the courts,” – said the culvert.

Overview: armed to the hambach forest

New decision-making Guide for brown coal

The Prime Minister also announced a new guiding decision for brown coal in NRW. First of all, the Bundestag had to implement the coal compromise, in laws and in the budget the funds for the structural change.

Then be produced in NRW this new decision and adopted. After the coal-consensus was initially still open, whether there will be a new guided decision-making in NRW.

The facts from the coal Commission

What is a guiding decision?

A forwarding decision is a legally binding framework agreement for the mining of lignite in the area. So the last 2016 had written a reduction of the already approved mining area of Garzweiler II.

so Far, there were three route choices for brown coal in the Rhine area. They were adopted in 1987, 1991 and 2016. At the last, which was the responsibility of the SPD and the Greens, there had been a broad participation of citizens and institutions.

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