– Now we can see that a few young people scaring the shit out of people in the community. It is important that the police are doing all they can to take them. The government must ensure that police are able to it, ” says Johansen to the NTB.

The last few weeks has more serious knivepisoder in Oslo attracted a lot of attention, and they have also made an impression on byrådslederen.

– It is very tough when you hear that people are afraid. So we shall not have it. It belongs nowhere at home that 13-14-year-olds are taking with a knife when they go out the door. They do not do it because they are in the guides and to grilling sausages and whittle in the woods. But because it is a knife they are willing to threaten others with, ” says Johansen.

Yesterday Raymond Johansen (Ap) requires measures against knife violence. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix. Show more Multiple grip

He proposes four measures to mitigate the development. And he believes the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp) should be started immediately:

1. Prohibit macheter. Use prohibition to introduce and buy them.

2. Increase the penalties for organized crime.

3. Go after the money in the criminal community, by expanding the criminal code the possibility of inndraging of economic dividends.

4. Increase the number of ungdomsplasser in the Norwegian correctional services.

– the Threads must be defeated

the Police have stated that knivepisodene often not related to the gjengmiljøer, but rather conflicts within ungdomsgrupperinger. Johansen, nevertheless, believe that the situation requires that it be put into more resources to “smash the gangs”.

Here are knivmannen ^

Many of these young people may have an attraction to the criminal environments and be easy victims for recruitment. It provides the status, speed and excitement, as opposed to sitting in school, ” says byrådslederen.

He is afraid that the threads will grow even more powerful, and believe one of the solutions is to stop the flow of money and go after money laundering, and expensive objects.

– If crime pays, it is almost impossible to stop the development of criminal gangs and organized crime. We know that fast money, expensive watches and nice cars is one of the deadlines the recruitment of “løpegutter”, says Johansen, who refers to estimates which suggest that inndragningstallene to Økokrim is too low.

DISCUSS: the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara t.v. and yesterday Raymond Johansen during a panelsamtale in august of last year. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Show more – More police

Even has Ap-the politician lived in he lived for his entire life and seen the development in the area up close.

– In the periods when the A – and B-gang were at their worst, characterized the neighbourhood. They were visible to the present. With gjengprosjektet managed the police to crush the parts of the threads and elements that led to recruitment. Now we see again the signs that recruitment is increasing, not only to the Young Bloods, but also other gangs.

at Least two stabbed on the evening venue Blå in Oslo. – Probably gjengrelatert

Therefore believes] that there is a need for more police.

– Tor Mikkel Wara is less passive than other justisministere from the Frp. But it takes more resources over the entire city. If one area has an extraordinary need, one must not move the resources from the other parts. When the police began to bet especially in Søndre Nordstrand, we saw that crime increased in the city centre.

Will have the statistics

Johansen also like the poor police stopped to keep track of the number of knivstikkinger in 2015.

– I believe that the reporting should be reintroduced, ” he says.

The most important thing, however, is that Oslo is a safe city to live in.

– Studies show that people generally feel safe. The most dangerous is, of course, to be criminal, even. But also outsiders are anxious to read about this. We shall not have it so that the people sitting on the Subway and it is feared that the other passengers carry knife. There are deprived areas in this city, and there is no doubt that Oslo is facing special challenges, ” says Johansen.

– teenage girls meet to fights, and threatening with a knife