After “extensive discussion,” agreed the coalition of SPD, Left and Green on Tuesday on an investment list for the “special assets, and infrastructure of the Growing city” (Siwana). Thus, around 725 million euros in the current year. The 75 million Euro, more than a week ago accepted. The increase comes about because instead of the originally planned 150 million Euro to 75 million Euro in the so-called sustainability funds will be transferred. The credit increases to EUR 365 million.

After the financial had announced Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD), in the property policy on the conservation and expansion of urban land ownership, and to a greater extent the leasehold benefits, he introduced the recently adopted Siwana-list in Detail. In addition, he announced that by mid-June, the implementation of the since the year 2014 in the respective Siwana-pots of the measures provided for check.

This Revision was necessary, in order to be able to implement out of the house, the surplus of the previous year stop dining Siwana investments more efficiently in the future. Previously, Michael Müller (SPD) had announced a “critical examination” of the in the past with Siwana-funded investments.

electro-mobility, Cycling and W-Lan

The field with the highest amount of investment from Siwana funds portfolio of Regine Günther-run Traffic. Almost 83 million Euro are budgeted for the savings Fund, local transport plan, the promotion of electric mobility in the bus as well as vehicle financing company of the BVG. The latter should be funded according to a first Version of the Siwana-list of 165.4 million euros. The funds transferred for the benefit of 40 million euros, the improvement of the Cycling infrastructure, and with 11 million euros in the Expansion of W-Lan and LTE infrastructure in metros.

daily mirror people


education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) in order to look forward to over 85 million euros from the Siwana-pot for schools and nurseries. Of which 50 million euros are provided for the construction of a “temporary schools”, which, in turn, be used as an Alternative for the rehabilitation of affected schools. An existing school will be working due to renovation temporarily closed, you can continue the operation of the school in the region as “hubs” designated schools. After the completion of the rehabilitation works of the existing school resumes operations, a school can be renovated, and the temporary school is ready to be used again as a fallback building.

The remaining 35 million euros for the construction of modular daycare center building and the associated creation of new kindergarten places available. More great Items in the list: 70 million euros will be provided for the construction of housing, as well as the exercise of the right of pre-emption in environmental protection areas, in order for purchases to the available Budget increases to 150 million euros. 57.5 million euros in the area of refugees and Integration of 20 million euros, the Charité for the acquisition of modern large-scale devices. In addition, the Senate provides 20 million euros for the rehabilitation of the Kfz-zulassungsstelle in the Jüterboger street, 23 million euros will be invested in the renovation of the city hall Charlottenburg.

on the question of whether, in addition to the town halls of Charlottenburg, Pankow and Köpenick, the Kreuzberg town hall, Siwana-can funds be rehabilitated, there was, as we Heard during the Senate meeting, a beef and a Session break of 20 minutes. The Greens complained that, contrary to earlier Promises, no planning funds for the renovation of the city hall Kreuzberg in the Yorckstraße. After the session interruption were included in the list of € 2.5 million planning funding for the city hall Kreuzberg.

financial Senator Kollatz satisfied with the result

Satisfied with cultural Senator Klaus Lederer (Left), criticized in the past week, the planned expenditure for culture as too low. 17 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the technical equipment and digitisation of public libraries.

12.5 million Euro will be provided to the mobile furniture and event to acquire specific technology. A further four million euros will flow into the renewal of the digital infrastructure. Including the Installation of Wi-Fi falls in the cultural institutions. The “House of One” receives ten million euros, the Federal government added to shoots as a co-financing and a further ten million Euro. And two million euros will be used to plan for the reconstruction of the synagogue in Fraenkelufer.

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Carsten Werner

All of them pass, after all, were satisfied with the outcome of the Siwana -. Financial Senator Kollatz even tried to dispel any suspicion on the dispute in the coalition. “We have discussed with the aim of finding a result. We managed to do that,“ he explained.