the Swedish security service and the police the opportunity to use signal intelligence in its utedningsarbete has been discussed for a long time. Today ends national Defence radio establishment (FRA) to provide the police with signals intelligence as soon as an investigation begins, and it has the police themselves considered to hamper the investigation.

the legislation so that the signal intelligence may continue even when a preliminary investigation has been initiated.

– In serious cases, you should be able to continue signalspaningen. This is an important issue not least for the security Police. When they follow individuals who they suspect may wish to commit terrorist offences in Sweden’s signal intelligence is a very important tool, ” says Mikael Damberg.

One of the arguments against the use of signal intelligence even during the pending judicial investigation has been that it might lead to the FRA’s methods are revealed. The new law means that signalspaningen can not be used as evidence in court, and thus, according to the minister of the interior not be any risk that the methods disclosed.

” But it means for the security service and the police that they can have this continued underrättelseinhämtningen that allows, for example, you can get closer to the terrorists who are planning the world, in Sweden, says Mikael Damberg.

the amendment will result in clear improvements for the police and intelligence agencies in their work against serious crime.

– this makes the secret police may be able to avoid the perpetration of a terrorist incident. To have better control of the very criminal individuals in Sweden, to be able to follow them and that the police in the next stage can judge them for the crimes. It requires intelligence that may not stop when the preliminary inquiry begins, says Mikael Damberg.

the Proposal will be sent on referral to the council on Thursday. The objective is that the new law shall enter into force on 1 August this year. The bill is anchored wide among the parliamentary parties.

but the party welcomes the proposal and says that it is requested by the judicial authorities and that the party has driven the same requirements in the past. However, considers that the proposal has dragged on too much.

” this is properly delayed and it is bad, for it is needed here now. And it applies to several areas, such as data storage and secret serial data. It is problematic, say the Conservatives national spokesperson Johan Forssell.