Sodom, mythical city of sin in the Old Testament, delivers Frédéric Martel the title of his book. With “Sodoma,” he says, the Vatican, and at the same time, a System of Homosexuals, the fight to the outside of homosexuality, to the inside, but the double-life have been institutionalized. Your Lover you spend as a wizard, as their secretaries, chauffeurs, or other subordinates. In Sodom, the Homosexuals are the vast majority, the great force – namely, the higher in the hierarchy, the more.

According to Martel, 80 percent of the clergy and the cardinals of the Curia are gay, a density, which is not achieved even in the Gay Castro district of San Francisco. Therefore, one cannot understand the Church without the Homosexual: Rigid positions betrayed a double life, and the Homophobic are themselves gay. Sodoma feeds from this schizophrenia, the Pope Francis as the “hypocrisy of the made-up souls” is rampant in.

Martel investigation is singular. The Paris sociologist, has researched for four years, supported by 80 researchers. He spoke with 1500 people in the Vatican and in 30 countries, including 41 cardinals, 52 bishops, 45 Nuncios, 200 priests and seminarians. He is immersed in their world, dwelt among them, partly in the Vatican and partly in the Roman Casa del Clero. His 650-page study he attributed to the Genre “Narrative Nonfiction”.

generous Free

The sociologist different Profiles is different from homosexual clerics, including those who visit regularly hustlers. For the 60 at the Roma Termini train station interviewed prostitutes the best Free are priests – the most intense, most generous and the most secretive. This pull in turn the migrants the Italians.

At the other end of the typology Martel “homophilic ascetics locates” like Benedict XVI, The leader of the 1973, the late Jacques Maritain, the Catholic thinkers and Vatican Ambassador, the gay Poet of his time to chip in with his wife in a Joseph see lived. Benedict has 2013 the Episcopal ordination for his Secretary, Georg Gänswein, such as a wedding and coronation mass staged. However, the Homophilie life long-Ratzinger’s “inner enemy”. His “internalized homophobia” have Benedict imposed on Homosexuals as a whole and by them chastity requires.

According to Martel, the density of Homosexuals is in the case of the occupational travellers, papal diplomats at the largest. Therefore, the Nuncios were used in the various States and at the UN Ratzinger as willing executors in the political struggle against homosexual acts, condoms and gay marriage. Benedict’s pontificate was for Martel disastrous. Ratzinger has punished liberation theologians, distributed in Africa condoms, many of the pedophile priests, but he has apologized. Above all, Marcial Maciel, one of the worst child molesters in the 20th century. Century.

The ambiguous figures of Sodoma Martel in Latin America, such as the Junta in Argentina in the 70s: at the Time of the papal envoy Pio Laghi, a erpressbarer gay served sexual, as an accomplice of the military and Informant of the CIA. And in the entertainment district of Medellin, Martel met with the secret apartment of the former Archbishop Alfonso López Trujillo, where these seminarians, young men and young hustlers for Sex and blows abschleppte.

fascists compacted

The Ugliest of the book is the former Secretary of John Paul II, cardinal Angelo Sodano, who now lives in his luxury Penthouse in the Vatican. Sodanos black legend began in 1978, when he was for ten years papal Nuncio in Chile. The anti-Communist and extreme right-wing papal legate was friends with the dictator Pinochet, and has covered up the crimes of the left-hand priests. According to Martel slits Pinochet and his wife a yard of Catholic Homosexuals. Including the priest Fernando Karadima, who ran in the 80s, the parish of El Bosque, “a place for fascists”.

The “misogyne and effeminierte” Sodano was one of the other bishops, to the circle of the charismatic priest. Since 1984, the child abuse suspected, could Karadima offense, for fifty years, to dozens of boys. Also, as a later Secretary of state protected Sodano Karadima. Other child molesters, such as Marcial Maciel or the Vienna cardinal Hans Hermann Groër Sodano held his protective Hand.

Francis is for Martel, in the case of ambiguity, full of reform-driven will. He was aware, in Sodoma’s “parmi les folles” to live among sisters. The former Nuncio to Washington, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano accused in his brand-letter to Francis cover-up, and bishops, such as cardinals came out for Martel to a newer phenomenon: the war of the old disguised guard of Homosexuals with that of the more liberal gay group.

the Roman seminaries are in motion. Because of their Homo-erotic atmosphere, you are, according to Martel, the place where young Gay men of their homosexuality often only become aware of this. Smartphones and Dating platforms, convert live your life to the double. Only seminarians will be less. The priesthood, long a place of safety for young homosexuals, has lost its attraction. The Homo-emancipation is for Martel the main cause for the massive decline in Priestly vocations.

The book was yesterday published in eight languages. In English it should appear in September.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.02.2019, 18:39 PM