Around 3000 Swiss yenish and the Sinti, there is still, according to the Tradition of their peoples lives with haste: driving, never long in the same place. In addition to over 1000 Roma from abroad, during the warm seasons of the year with their caravans to go in Switzerland. Their common main problem: a lack of stopping places, whether it stays for more than a week, be it just for two or three nights. In a new publication of the Association Espace Suisse, and the Foundation, future for Swiss Travellers, with the emphasis on the “urgent need for action”. According to Simon Röthlisberger, Executive Director of the Foundation, is missing alone in the Winter in Switzerland to 25 pitches, around 40 transit pitches for short stays in the summer.

The authors of the study, but also, in particular, a priority that increasingly so-called spontaneous Think. Is meant to be Camping on private property for up to four weeks without the permission of the authorities would be necessary. “The spontaneous Holding represents an important Alternative to official transit sites,” says the study. The conditions for this should be in the cantonal structure plans. To take In the duty, especially of the municipalities from the point of view of the authors, however. They were instructed “to allow for the spontaneous stop.”

The spontaneously it hold are probably, in fact, that most often lead to conflicts with locals. In the municipality of Wimmis, BE, for example, larger groups of traveling to the forbidden spontaneously stop since last year explicitly. Anyone who shows up with more than three vehicles or tents required for Camping recently, a prior authorization. The municipal Council of Wimmis in response to “negative experiences”, which was made in 2017, with a larger group of foreign travellers.

There are exactly such restrictive regulations that it has in Espace Suisse in the crosshairs. More: Barbara Jud, scientific collaborator of the Association, assumes that the Wimmiser decisions collided with the superior law, the prohibition of discrimination.

“If someone complains against our rules, we’ll see what happens,” replied the Wimmiser Council President Barbara Josi (SVP). “Here in the municipality of the innovation was undisputed.” Josi, that you “have nothing against Driving”. “But you have to keep to the same requirements as all other people.” The group of 2017 have left an “incredible mess”.

needs by Driving to the gifts in space planning

incidents and policy responses of a similar nature in the last few years to talk elsewhere. The resistance is at the community level to the greatest, says Daniel Huber, lead the Radgenossenschaft the road. A good thing to be Spontaneous “” says Huber, who used to be yourself as a traveller on the road. “For the farmers of his country, are you are a business, and they prevent us to be ghettoized Moving.”

The Espace Suisse study also lists examples that you think is worthy of imitation. The Canton of Aargau had created in his plan for a “strong basis” – for example, by the statement, the temporary Hold on private land is to tolerate “as far as possible from the authorities”. Also, the Canton of Zurich under the pranks in his concept of the importance of the spontaneous Stops.

in General, the study calls for the needs of the yenish always in the planning. It was “important to sensitize the population to the concerns of the travelling people”.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.02.2019, 23:51 PM