In a reply to our article on tillgänglighetsproblemet in the Swedish health care has Fredrik Lennartsson formulated SALAR’s views on the matter. In many respects, shared our view, but in the crucial question of the role of principals expressed not unexpectedly dissent

According to Fredrik Lennartsson has long waiting lists have been a ”high-priority issue in many years”. The outcome has become a duplicate queue during the last few years. Despite the different perceptions about the underlying problems, we seem to be, however, agreed that the current sjukvårdsapparat not able to handle the need.

It is about the effective provision of skills, digitisation and conversion to a close and the care. The regions ‘ work in these areas has so far not been successful. Despite the fact that the SKL announced two years ago to 1 January 2019 would be independent of the hyrpersonal increase the use of agency staff and the cost for the year 2018 is expected to exceed the five billion became the bill of 2017.

In the ongoing procurement of a ”future vårdinformationssystem” will the regions to land not in a system but two or maybe three. Sweden has, compared to several other countries, an underdeveloped near care including long-term shortage of doctors. It’s hard to believe that the future with the current principals will be better. The problem with the lack of availability is, in essence, a system failure.

In our proposal for a more efficient care and included several parts.

the Order/assignment and follow-up of outcomes requires knowledge of the sjukdomspanorama and vårdkonsumtionsmönster, the skills to evaluate the medical development and the ability to assess the costs for the rendered vårdprestationer. The reasonableness of the parallel handle this within the 21 regions is not difficult to question.

basically, this is a question of fairness. Sjukvårdslagens requirements on the care on equal conditions can not be met by the regions and municipalities, with a diversity in population structure and the tax base. Different equalisation system is a blunt instrument in this regard and reports on the villkorsskillnader between different regions daily. A week was alerted to the example of unequal therefore.

A state beställarfunktion shall formulate contracts, establish what that shall be done.

the Regions shall, with his knowledge of the local circumstances in which providers address the issue of how this is to be enforced.

unfortunately, It is not as Lennartsson argues that ”the systematic and long-term local work with close knowledge of the local and regional needs” resulted in good availability. On the contrary, this system resulted in the current kösituationen.

We maintain that the changes required to manage the health care access problems will not be able to be implemented without the state is made to the client and to the funder of all samhällsfinansierad care.