“Sjöstedt disappointed call with Annie Lööf – after SD-parable,”

“the Administration: She went over the limit.”

“They are known for a high tone in the debates.”

“But when Annie Lööf, comparing the Left with The sweden democrats ”passed the she the border,” considers Jonas Sjöstedt:”

” I was offended by that.”

“Now, the two party leaders spoken out. “

“After the elections, when the difficult formation of the government was, under the Annie Lööf (C) and Jan Björklund (L) it was important that neither the Left party or The sweden democrats would gain influence over policy.”

“To hear his party, compared with SD has taken hard on Jonas Sjöstedt (V), he says in an interview with Aftonbladet.”

“– It is a totally ridiculous comparison. When negotiating whether the glasses to children and sommarlovsaktiviteter so write sverigedemokrater on nazi websites and pouring out racist abuse. I think the whole thing is absurd, ” he says.”

“the Key to the right-wing politics.”

“That C and L have wanted to equate the parties believe this would have been to push Stefan Löfven (S) in the negotiations on the budgetary cooperation.”

” They know that if they had also negotiated with us so had it not become a few market rents, attacks on labour law and removed war. Blocking us was the key to getting through the högerpolitiken.”

“Jonas Sjöstedt and Annie Lööf has had a lot of contact the last few years. They have conducted joint debatturnéer with tough policy is triggered and played and friendly tone in between.”

“in light of this, how have you been feeling that she in the autumn, has equated you with the SD?”

“– She went over the limit. I do not think that it was okay. I have worked against fascism and racism in all of my life and was badly affected by being compared with racists.”

“According to Sjöstedt, the two party leaders now talked out of it said. He took it up in a conversation eye to eye.”

“– She said well about it, I equate you with The sweden democrats, but you stand on either edge in Swedish politics”. I think it is Annie Lööf, who has an extreme economic policies.”

“it Is she who is extremisten?”

“– I don’t call her on it. But in economic matters it is enough so, they redistributes it to those who already have.”

“Research: Each other’s polar opposites”

“Annie Lööf says that she does not recall the conversation in which the Eu took up his disappointment. But they certainly have been talking also about this, as they meet in riksdagskorridorerna every week.”

” We’ve talked, he and I, we have a good relationship. We have had acrimonious debates in seven years time, that we think different. It is no secret that we are each other’s polar opposites ideologically, ” she says.”

“Loof says that she has never compared V with the SD. “

“– but I have said that they are ytterkantspartier. V for a socialist economic policy, which is far from my economic policies. SD is a party with other roots, a ytterkantsparti on the right side.”

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