over several months has politibilerne in two police districts have been affected by serious bremseproblemer. It shows documents from the national Police, as the Engineer has got access to. The problems are due to fejlservicering of the brakes on the police’s new workshops.

– It can potentially be fatal, if the police running in traffic with cars that can’t brake properly. In general, there is a clear-cut equate to increased stopping distance and increased risk of road accidents, says Marianne Steffensen, head of department and specialist in road safety at the Danish road directorate, as the Engineer has submitted the case.

Previously, the police have only used authorised repairers, but at the beginning of 2018 had the country’s police districts send the contracts in tenders after a series of very public problemsager of a breach of the procurement rules.

And during the month of april began bremseproblemerne to sign up in north Zealand and, subsequently, Vestegnens police districts, both of which use the AutoCenter Copenhagen.

– It is clear that the brake failure has created some insecurity among the ushers. We are talking about the emergency vehicles coming up on speeds, which pushes the cars to the limit. Why should our cars be able to brake and maneuver safely in traffic, ” says Jørgen Jensen, senior shop steward for the police in the Area.

After the check in respectively, authorised repairers and FDM have The Police chosen to keep the contract with the AutoCenter Copenhagen in Gentofte. At Vestegnens Police, however, lost the confidence of AutoCenter Copenhagen, Hvidovre, and the parties were in december agreed to terminate the contract.

At AutoCenter Copenhagen acknowledges the director and owner Christian Buhelt fejlserviceringen on the brakes, but make themselves baffled by that Vestegnens Police have lost the confidence of the workshop. The company has, however, offered to rescind the contract with Vestegnens Police.

– You can’t cooperate with someone who does not want to cooperate, says Christian Buhelt.