“New storm on the way in the north,”

“the Winds subside today, but it is only temporary. In the morning, it is time for a new storm over the northern Sweden, and the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute warns for very strong winds.”

“It has blown quite a lot in Norrbottensfjällen during the evening and night, such as Stora Sjöfallet have winds at 36 metres per second measured in the night,” says Alexandra Ohlsson, meteorologist at SMHI.”

“– the Winds begin to subside now, we are about to remove the warnings, such as Västerbotten inland. Stormvarningarna over Norrbottensfjällen is left, but the wind will diminish during the morning, ” she says.”

“Certainly it will continue to blow over the whole of the northern part of the country today, but the winds will be a bit calmer later in the day,” she explains.”

“but the calm is only temporary.”

“– We have a new low coming in over the same area that had hurricanes, it is the north of Sweden, Norrbotten and again. The strongest winds will blow over the northern part of Norrland. Also, Jämtland, will have strong winds.”

“the Participants and visitors at the ongoing alpine world ski CHAMPIONSHIPS in Åre looks to get crouch in the wind again, and sportlovslediga in the mountains are advised to keep careful track of the weather when it blows up again.”

“– It looks not so amazing for the Alpine part. It gets warm in the day, and even tomorrow there will be someone plusgrad.”

“it looks with the temperatures in the rest of the country also.”

“– It is mild air for the time of year, even in the southern parts of the country. The clouds are frequent over the Region, but they are broken up slowly so it may be so that the sun shines through in the day.”

“on Saturday offers the largest solchanserna in both Götaland and Svealand.”

“this weekend, there is no change in the temperatures, it will be mild throughout the country.”

“– But on Sunday afternoon it will enter the colder air. You will notice that it gets colder throughout the country. In the north, becomes the sub-zero temperatures, and only a single plusgrad in Svealand. In Götland is still on the plus side.”