In the north sea, somewhere, denmark and the united Kingdom, located on the mystical island state Doggerland.

doggerland lamanites living on a windy island, the rugged beauty of nature in the middle, they go down the pub and spend their own oist in the name of the feast. Doggerland in the salty spray hitting the shore, the rock formations rising wild and the fishing port you have the stern trawlers and net boats. Doggerland are eaten in the ridged oysters, drink suomyrtillä seasoned Heimö beer and talk doggeria language, which is a mixture of scandinavian languages and English.

This is author Maria Adolfssonin created by the island state and new Swedish Doggerland-detective series stage.

Adolfssonin crime series through a reader gets to travel to a completely new world, a place that is known for the traditional fishing culture and unspoiled nature but also of closed communities. Guide on the way to acting inspector Karen Eiken, return migration, to whom life without warning pulled the rug from under the feet of.

Maria Adolfsson a Hero makes mistakes

Doggerland-the name of the place is really exist, but it remained below sea approximately 10 000 years ago. Nowadays, this spot in the north sea is located doggeria in the shallows.

I can’t tell whether my books Doggerland similar to the real Doggerland would have been if it still existed. Nobody knows, but the imagination I have enough. It is not difficult to come up with places and events, the author Maria Adolfsson told the evening journal in an interview.

the Series in the first part of his own life node received the lieutenant Karen Eiken to figure out the boss’s ex-wife’s murder.

Adolfsson wanted to create a female detective, who has already lived life behind.

I didn’t want to create a classic hero type, but the person who itself also makes mistakes.

the Murder-morning precedes the Eiken and the superior one-night indiscretion Oist.-celebrate in the aftermath.

This is a classic murder mystery, whose stage is the invented world.

for a Writer, this brought complete freedom to place the events of the sea view, which hides the diversity of the island state.

it’s one thing to write a story a fictional environment than, say, Stockholm or Copenhagen streets. Now I have the freedom to invent places, and events, and the reader can actually imagine them exactly as you want, Adolfsson said.

the Stories becoming more

place your selected island states partly because Adolfsson himself spent childhood lot of time in Stockholm’s outer archipelago. Archipelago landscape with the lighthouse and fog sireeneineen is more to him than a familiar.

on the other Hand, the 60-70-ies of the archipelago is no longer as such.

Maybe doggerland to write, I created again my childhood landscape, Adolfsson analysis.

to Him it is important to travel also in mind, as claustrophobia, suffering from the writer is himself little travel.

I don’t like planes, elevators, or even tunnels. Travel is difficult for me, Adolfsson said.

as a Former communication professional left recently his day job and is now focusing on writing full-time.

I Spend a daily time of Doggerland, sometimes only an hour or two, sometimes 12-14 hours, Adolfsson describes the situation when the island story with because it absorbs.

When I started this series, I had a story ready four books. The plan is to do at least those, Maria Adolfsson said.

check out Doggerland and the Bias-step-a detective story here