Vibeke-Emilie Abrahamsen, former head of the Bamble Frp, is temporarily excluded from the conservative party after the so-called Njåstad case.

The sign Porsgrunns Both.

In January drew At the top Helge André Njåstad (38) from positions in the party after it was revealed that Njåstad had shared sensitive information with a then unknown partifelle.

the Information was from varslersaker about metoo in the party. Abrahamsen is the until now unknown recipient of the information and documents Njåstad leaked, according to Porsgrunns Both.

– Have not done anything wrong Six issues that have plagued the conservative party

I’m very surprised that they have gone to this step. I have not done anything wrong, and has assured organisasjonsutvalget that I do not intend to use the information that is attributable to me in any way that will damage the party or individuals, ” says Abrahamsen told the paper.

The excluded lokallagslederen says the following to Dagbladet.

I have notified the party about the poor organisational culture. I have written confirmed on several occasions that I will not use the information to damage individuals or the party, ” she says.

Njåstad has even explained that he needed to get other eyes on varslersakene, and that he would share them with someone familiar. This got Siv Jensen to react sharply, and he resigned from all positions of trust.

Group leader in Vestfold and Telemark progress party, Frode Hestnes, says to Dagbladet that they for a while have been aware that it was Vibeke-Emilie Abrahamsen who had received sensitive information from Njåstad.

Withdraws from all positions

We’ve known it for a long time, but worked a long time to get her to sign a non-disclosure. We’ve now deprived of her membership until she signs such a declaration, return the information or possibly delete them, ” he says.

– We do not understand

He goes on to say that she had not been excluded if a .non-disclosure is signed.

We do not understand the purpose of not to sign. There are cases of innocent third parties that have been handled. Now they must live with the uncertainty about where the documents are, what is there and what other people know, ” he says.

Abrahamsen claims she has offered to write under the declaration.

I have also written made contact with the organisasjonsutvalget and notified that I can write under on the statement several times, most recently last Wednesday and as late as yesterday. I will be very surprised when they then choose to exclude me alerts and not the it is notified that in fact has breached its non-disclosure, ” she says. the

GROUP leader: Frode Hestnes in Vestfold and Telemark progress party. Photo: Frp Show more

Hestnes says he doesn’t have answers on why it is Abrahamsen who has received the documents. the

Members came thus to organisasjonsutvalget with personal circumstances which now find themselves with an improper third party. We will spare them, ” says Hestnes.

feel again

the central executive committee made the decision on exclusion on Monday evening, while Abrahamsen was informed yesterday.

Abrahamsen says that she feels let down by the party, and that she was willing to sign a non-disclosure if she got a physical meeting. Partiledelsen in the county claims this was offered.

I had never thought that the party treated its whistleblowers in this way. I had shown it, had I never notified, she says to Dagbladet.

SAYS: the Police says that they have arrested a stortingspolitiker and charged the person for the exercise of serious threats. Dagbladet is familiar with that it is about the profiled Frp-politician Mazyar Keshvari. Video: Marie Røssland. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

the Party makes big question mark on why she has not signed. There has been repeated dialogue the last few weeks and perhaps months on the phone and SMS and the provision of physical meetings. We know the us again in the description she gives. Here is the obviously different experiences of the matter, ” he says.

Admitted violations

Njåstad has previously told Dagbladet that the information was shared with one partifelle, and that she did not go further with the information.

Njåstad was the leader of the progress party’s organisasjonsutvalg in six years until last fall. Organisasjonsutvalget handles matters where there has been a breach of the conservative party’s ethical rules. He was also the fiscal advocate.

those sitting in The organisasjonsutvalget shall not discuss the cases they deal with anyone outside the selection. This admitted thus Njåstad at the end of January to have done a number of times.

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