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Neither the police nor the owner of the shop Ali, who on the night of Wednesday was ravaged by a minor explosion, yet know, why the perpetrators of map untill 02.00 in the night beat for the.

Here was a small explosive device apparently detonated in front of one of tøjbutikkens glazing, and the pressure from the explosion threw one of the glass panes into the shop and totalskadede several of the other glass.

– I have no idea, why it is done. It suggests some serious pranks, I think. I’m just glad that no one was hurt. Including snothvalpen, who has made it.

the Owner of Alis vågende to an unpleasant sight on Wednesday morning. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

He must have a little evil in the ears of today, for it should have been a proper bang, says the owner of the store, en Ekstra Bladet meets him on Wednesday morning. He does not want to come forward with the name.

the Store, which among other things sells clothes, is close to the start of the infamous street Pusherstreet and not far from the entrance to Christiania.

Officers from the Copenhagen Police arrived immediately after the notification about the explosion at 1.47 on Wednesday night. Ago has engineers examined the site and according to the shop owner, they have retrieved the remains of the metallignende container, an explosive load greater was put in.

– We have no motive. But we are investigating, and there will be a number of technical studies, says vicepolitiinspektør Knud Hvass on the matter, which has not yet made arrests.

In connection with the investigation, looking for the police witnesses:

– If someone knows something, they must very like to turn to the us, says Knud Hvass.