At a press conference in Brussels, warned Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg, several counter-measures in response to Russia’s missile SSC-8. What these measures will consist in, he would not go into detail, but said:

– All the steps we are taking are defensive. We will not have a new arms race.

A new rakettalder Comment

He asked at the same time Nato’s 29 member countries to be “avmålte” in its response to the Russian missilsystemet, which Nato believes violates the INF treaty, a nedrustningsavtale.

Will not exclude the atomsvar

It stands in contrast to how Germany has said that they are considering the matter. On the way to Nato’s forsvarsministermøte Wednesday, would not the German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen rule out some things.

Including nuclear weapons, in response to the Russian missiles.

Because we now are completely in the initial phase of the discussion, it is important that we do not already now begin to rate or exclude certain options. The whole palette must be on the table, said the German defense minister.

When Stoltenberg was confronted with this statement, he repeated again that Nato’s response will be “defensive” and “avmålte”.

– We now have no intentions to put out atomvåpensystemer in Europe.

Disastrous most acute task: Save the atomavtalen

the Face of the NTB also denied Norway’s foreign minister, Frank Bakke-Jensen (H) to exclude the possibility that Nato sees itself forced to deploy more nuclear weapons in Europe.

– It is not an answer I will give you now, ” said Bakke-Jensen to the NTB.


It was at a press conference after the defence ministers meeting in Brussels that Stoltenberg advocated for a careful approach towards Russia.

They had discussed the INF agreement, as of six months may be history. The united STATES and Nato consider Russia over several years has not complied with the agreement, which prohibits the mellomdistanseraketter.

the Agreement was entered into between the united STATES and the Soviet union in 1987, but in years drew the united STATES formally from nedrustningsavtalen. It didn’t take long before Russia did the same.

The premier example of the Nato and the united STATES describes as a violation from the Russian side, the Russian missilsystemet SSC-8.

– All of Nato’s 29 member countries agree that the Russian missilsystemet SSC-8 represents a significant risk for our security. It is mobile and difficult to detect. The system can reach european cities, and can carry conventional warheads and nuclear warheads, said Stoltenberg during the press conference.

Stoltenberg added that Nato is preparing for a world without the INF treaty, but asked at the same time Russia is taking steps to comply with the agreement. And pointed out that the agreement is not history until about six months.

Disastrous hope is yet that the agreement could be saved.

Expert warns: Now gearing up again