As the German in the dying of the GDR and the unit-fated Germany about Jews and anti-Semitism thought, tried to pollsters in October 1990 to explore. That Israel is a state like any other, replied in the affirmative to 57 per cent of the West Germans. In East Germany, only 40 out of a hundred believed. On the classic question of whether Jews have too much influence in world Affairs, replied, by contrast, only 20 percent of respondents to the citizens of the GDR, but 44 percent of German citizens in the affirmative.

how touched in the turning of time as significant differences? That anti-Semitism was taboo in the GDR, not only politically, but rather 40 years, it was announced, it does not give him was all the more believed, rather, as it strengthened the moral Position of the Oststaats to the West of the state. The jubilation over the in the East so significantly less pronounced anti-Semitism reverberated quickly, because the opinions about Jews assimilated quickly. The heritage of the GDR, a hostile Israel image, and the Definition of Zionism as a battle concept, which denies the state of Israel the legitimacy to belong to today. Anti-Semites used this, however, as a valve for resentment that is not “supposedly the Jews”, but “only the Zionists”.

Domestically, Jews were not a relevant size

The East German citizens demanded partisanship for the Arab side, while condemnation of Israel as a rogue state is not to be resolved after decades of indoctrination just to replace it with a differentiated view. The Eastern enemy of Israel corresponded with solidarity-based emotions in the West in the face of Palestinian suffering and legitimate criticism of decisions and actions of the Israeli government as the De-facto denial of a Two-state solution. The legend, the Federal Republic of Germany will pay to Israel in reparations in the Form of weapons, reinforced the in the GDR-generated image of the enemy.

the attitude of The GDR to Israel as compared to the Jews in their own Land in exchange, and the impact of political assumptions. Foreign policy, Moscow was the course, domestically, the Jews were not a relevant size, the consideration would have required. Of the Jewish communities expected the state and the party the same step with the socialist society, and that meant – in the political sense of reason Eastern bloc rejection of Israel.

The exclusionary, a fundamental and irresolvable conflict of advance put Jew at the end of suspicion against the minority (“only, then a socialist state citizens”) also in the views of Israel and the behavior of the state and party apparatus. The attitude in the conspiracy theoretical Tradition of anti-Semitism and disappeared with the GDR as little as other reservations against the Jews. Anti – Semitic migration and conspiracy theories were in dealing with the Jewish minority is common. This was in marked contrast to the self-perception of the GDR, the deklamierte the Mantra of the anti-Semitism was eradicated in the anti-fascist and legitimate state.

Israel as a wanton player in a war of extermination

stereotype shown in the construct was delivered by the Foundation of the state, and especially after the six-day war in Israel, Jewish victims of the Holocaust would have turned into perpetrators. The media of the GDR maintained it with slogans, according to which the Jews in the occupied territory were behaving toward the Palestinians like the Nazis to you. The verdict of “Zionism is racism” had given the Soviet news Agency TASS, which quoted a Berlin newspaper in zealous allegiance to as the “Tel Aviv practiced extreme racism”.

reporting on the middle East conflict, Israel is represented as a wanton player in a war of extermination. Also, it was insinuates, Nazi ideology and Nazi murder practice would have provided the model. The six-day war, in the “Current camera” at 7. June, 1967 as “imperialist-Jewish conspiracy” branded and from the Nazi Propaganda served the enemy of the Jews as capitalists linked to: “On the New York stock exchange to flourish already in the business for the imperialist backers of the Israeli aggressor: The share prices moved.”

The Agitprop bluster, Karl Eduard von Schnitzler in the GDR-TV, offered a simple world explanations according to the scheme Good or Evil. The formulas punched anti-Zionism is easy to bring with the anti-Semitic Goebbels ‘ slogans. The revulsion of the Nazi propaganda Minister before the Jews was too catchy to be forgotten, and this was also the case for Schnitzler’s anti-Israeli invective. The (unconscious) heritage of Nazi Propaganda, combined with the slogans of the GDR Agitation. For three decades, the TV star of Israel, called the Zionist, imperialist, and racist, and said so to the world enemy, such as Goebbels, the “world Jewry” is stigmatized and condemned. The national socialist arrogance “greater Germany” was Schnitzler in addition, the construct of “greater Israel” to the side, he hatred preached about “Israel Mr humanity” and equated Zionism and Nazism.

young people were indoctrinated in “Atze” and “mosaic”

In a more subtle way, the indoctrination of children and young people. In order to arouse anti-Israeli emotions, compassion and solidarity with Palestinian children stimulated. The educational mission of the anti-Zionism has been a pioneer compared to “Young” in the “ABC newspaper” and compared to the slightly older “Thälmann pioneers” in the “drum”. The Magazine “Atze” and “mosaic” served, the youth opened the door, anti-Jewish stereotypes (“killer of children”), and promoted revulsion against the “terrorist state of Israel” to counter the solidarity of anti-imperialist internationalism.

anti-Semitic images were practiced by anti-Zionist performances and fixed. They influenced young minds, also because of their seemingly immanent logic, and, because of their loyalty to the Tradition of the Jews of enemy Ideologeme. The young pioneers with the suffering of the victims “of Israel identified the Israeli-imperialist Aggression,” was passed over emotions, and therefore sustainable. Even if the methods of the indoctrination and mobilisation were increasingly made by the young people in question and rejected.

Who was convinced, in 1982, at the age of twelve years, that the rich and war on the poor, peaceful Palestinians are Israelis very angry, very well, have not forgotten, on the fiftieth birthday in the year 2020.

The media’s condemnation of Israel as the author of militaristic terror against the Arab civilians, culminating in the allegation of genocide of the Palestinian people, relativised the Holocaust. This was also many in the right-hand bearing of the old Federal Republic of Germany is a concern. The verdict is in line with the denial of the Judenmords and the call for the overdue line under the work-up of polluted past. The success of right-wing populism on the territory of the former GDR is also due to the fact that the anti-Zionist Propaganda has prepared for this aspect of the anti-Semitism of the floor.

effect powerful legacy of the GDR

to defame The idea of Zionism, and at the same time the term for the political campaign slogan against Israel devalue, belongs to the powerful legacy of the GDR. Also in the ranks of the “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), whose political programme consists of provocation and xenophobic Roar, will represent the opinion that one had to fight “the Zionists”, what you have against “the Jews” of anything. The abstruse Agitation of a member of the AfD in the Stuttgart Landtag against “Zionists”, of which the party has not distanced by his exclusion, does not prove that anti-Zionism when Israel was hostility to the exclusive possession of the GDR, but he was there, the state doctrine.

effects of the enemy image of Israel, nearly three decades after the end of the state of at least latent, is still present and noticeable. Karl Eduard von Schnitzler had called Zionism “the Jewish variant of imperialism”, and thus the raison d’etre of the GDR added a ideology-compliant dose of Jew-hatred. In the GDR, the national socialism and its long history as propagated and practiced enemy image “Jewish taboo”, but in the image of the enemy “Israel” sublimated.

More about

Jana Hensel’s debut novel, “no country” Between Berlin and Tel Aviv

Wolfgang Schneider

Just a by Wolfgang Benz published a book on the subject appeared: anti-Semitism in the GDR. Manifestations and consequences of the enemy image of Israel. Metropol Verlag, Berlin. 275 Pages, 19 Euros. Benz offers it on Thursday, 21. February, at 19 o’clock in the Berlin wall memorial to the public. A registration at the land centre for political education is required.