Alt-Bundesrat, Didier Burkhalter was seriously ill. Compared to the “view” confirmed the new Burger that he received in the summer of 2018 “completely out of Nothing,” the diagnosis of cancer. Details about the disease Burkhalter is not known, many people suffered more than he. In the “lucky post” says the Alt-Bundesrat: “I was at a book fair in my new novel, was on the same weekend is already on the operating table.”

From “Le Matin” he said: “I feel better. The Operation was necessary and effective.” Now, however, he must continue to control.

At the time of his resignation in the summer of 2017, he did nothing of the disease known. From today’s point of view he could imagine, however, that “the Evil” was already there. The 58-Year-old, to be sick, a school for life. “One sees one’s own existence and the time from a different angle.”

Burkhalter said in retrospect that he had worked eight years as a Federal Council – “up to 100 hours per week.” His wife Friedrun’ve warned him often of the excessive load. “But I have not heard enough on you.” Friedrun gave him the strength to handle the disease.

image range: Federal councillor Burkhalter of Schaad drawn (red)

Created: 13.02.2019, 12:45 PM