In the dispute over new rules for pipeline projects such as Nord Stream 2 have made EU negotiators a compromise. This, the EU Commission announced on Wednesday night and welcomed the agreement with the countries of the EU and the European Parliament. The operator of the new gas pipeline from Russia to Germany must make additional requirements in focus. But the project of the Russian state company Gazprom will not slow down for that, I guess.

The EU Commission had already proposed in 2017, with a view to Nord Stream 2 is a Modification of the EU Gas Directive. Accordingly, the Pipelines of a third country should be subject to in the European Union the same requirements as pipelines in the EU. So, among other things, ownership and operation must not be in one Hand, and the operator must grant competitors access.

special rules of Parliament

Germany accepted wanted to prevent the new rules, because they threatened to make Nord Stream 2 is uneconomical. Ultimately, the Federal government accepted to fight with France last week, in the circle of the countries of the EU rules on the principle – but with some special.

This should according to the information from the negotiation circles even after the compromise with the negotiators of the European Parliament apply. The rules allowed it, that Germany alone could decide on exceptions, it was said by the parties Involved. The Commission should examine agreements between governments, but in advance.

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The Commission was happy with the solution. The so-amended Gas Directive, fulfilling the original objectives, said the Brussels authority. The exceptions to the rules for the EU energy market only under strict conditions, the Commission, co-determine essential. The advanced rules are on the EU area apply also in the territorial waters. The application of the rules of the EU internal market will be monitored by the Commission.

“This is a great step forward to an integrated internal market in Gas, based on solidarity and trust, and the European Commission is fully inclusive,” said climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete. “Today in Europe, close loopholes in its legal framework.” Anyone who wants to sell natural gas in the EU, must comply with the European energy rules.

EU member States and the United States reject Nord Stream 2

Nord Stream 2 is for years a highly controversial one. The Federal government, the project is good. A number of EU countries and the United States reject it. On Tuesday, US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo had renewed his criticism of the Pipeline. The United States and denounced Russia’s influence in Europe, and also have economic interests in the sale of LPG in Europe.

The line is in addition to the existing route, Nord Stream, around 1,200 kilometers through the Baltic sea to be built. A good part is already finished, by the end of 2019, the project is scheduled to go into operation. The line is then to transport annually up to 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia to Germany. Critics complain that Europe was making itself more dependent on Russian natural gas. Ukraine fears also to be used as a transit country slowed down and billions of dollars in loss due to management fees.

a member of The Green and negotiator Reinhard Bütikofer had insisted before the decisive round of Negotiations on strict EU rules. “There can be no shared European energy law and no special rights for Gazprom and Nord Stream 2,” said Bütikofer.

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dispute about Nord Stream 2 The tricky Pipeline compromise

Albrecht Meier

The preliminary agreement is not yet formally recognised by the Council of the member countries and the European Parliament must be approved. Then the Change of the Gas Directive would be final. (dpa)