The weakening of government in Australia in the refugee policy on the Defensive. After a heavy defeat in Parliament, you want to open a warehouse that they had just placed first at a standstill.

The Australian government wants to open a notorious refugee camp on Christmas island in the Indian ocean. A security agreed in the Committee of his Cabinet to the Council of senior civil servants, said the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

the bearing on the remote Christmas island in the Indian ocean had only been in the last autumn, closed. Since its Opening in 2008, there were reports of riots, deaths, alleged rape and self-injury. With the re-opening of the camp should be responsive to an expected increase in the Refugee said the conservative Premier.

Violent setback in the Parliament

the reason for this expectation of a bitter defeat in the Parliament is, according to Morrison. The deputies voted on Tuesday by a narrow majority for a bill from the Opposition to medical care of refugees, the conservative minority had been rejected by the government.

The law is to be detained asylum-seekers in refugee camps on the Pacific Islands of Nauru and Manus, the right to be in for a treat brought to Australia. Instead, officials should in the future decide to Doctors about such ambulance services. On Wednesday, the Senate voted by a narrow majority for the law.

The law firm Maurice Blackburn welcomed the change in the law. In several cases, delays in access to medical treatment for children and adults, life would have had threatening consequences, said lawyer Jennifer Kanis.

Australia’s refugee camps – such as here in Papua new Guinea – in the criticism.

asylum policy important election issue

Morrison said the relaxations give people new incentives, the car Crossing to Australia – which is why he wanted the camp on Christmas island re-open. Other asylum-seekers should be discouraged, according to the government in this way from the dangerous journey. “My Job is now to ensure that the boats will come,” said Morrison.

The Opposition accused the Premier, the hard Australian refugee policy, to undermine. For about five years, migrants and refugees try to reach Australia by boat, consistently in Camps on the Pacific Islands of Nauru and on Papua new Guinea held. Because of this policy, the country is again in the criticism.

The defeat in Parliament reflects the crumbling resist the Power of the leadership to Morrison. The coalition lost its slim parliamentary majority of only one voice, as Morrison’s predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull was toppled in August 2018 from party colleagues and from the policy and withdrew. Asylum policy is likely to dominate the campaign ahead of the planned may elections in Australia.

The aim was to Australia belonging to Christmas island as a preferred destination by people smugglers, of asylum seekers from Asia, Africa and the Middle East with the aim of Down Under in often unseaworthy boats from Indonesian ports to break.